4.0 Known Issues

One or the other is slightly incorrect.

Please @Loutre look at the Kronk disc for Pacha he’s clearly bugged.

Agreed. What is the point of gaining basic damage and skill power only to finish off her own team??? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Instead of a charm counter, she has become a nightmare for her own allies :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Please adjust her @Loutre. She is 4th year anniversary, pls don’t make her useless the 1st week she got released

Yes, we are working on this.


@Loutre ehrrr I am certain that the quests should be off after 12th day, not 6th.

ahh looks like it’s just the same text as the Syndrome one so we’ll get that switched.


Excuse me but… what sorcery is this?

Well, double of zero is still zero, so it’s not inaccurate…

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Should be fixed!

This bit does not, in fact, drop in the trials :man_shrugging:

It does, but in the next trials (which are coded in and would be possible but dev team locked it)

@Loutre I still think that “locking the trials behind max server level” was not a good decision. I know why it was done, but seriously we should be getting Y14 badge bits in Trials then, not just Y11 and below.


Two questions:

  1. Why is a gold crate depicted.
  2. Why does this event still exist? It’s not good, it’s not useful, we are literally getting hundreds of Diamond crates for free and yet the liveops team thinks it’s worth spending 1300 Diamonds for 10 of these crates.

I would be applauding if the 50% off was on other crates aka Gold and Guild.


And we get the almost useless increased chance in Arena and Coli :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: how is that even helpful? Last contest is over and we are at 1st week of challenger season

They are just equally bad :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: unless you work on guild crate hero

Yes but at least with them you are spending a resource that is not scarce.

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Hm, good to know Pacha is technically Berserk during “The Special” animation. If that is intended…
(He was permafrost by Merida and Elsa for the rest of the wave like that).

Gold crate is not that bad thanks to PB’s way of using millions of certain badges and none whatsoever of others - it’s a great source of Wicked Beats for example, I’d rather spend Gold than Stamina for those and get some hero chips along the way

Diamond Crate at even discount price is among the worst diamond purchases in the game, a terrible event designed to catch new players out.

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This total ruined our surge today!!! What can we do about this??? -1 power??? Really???

Once before there was a bug where when you scrolled down on the daily quests it would snap back. I fare that this bug has returned


Can’t believe this bug is still happening should have been fixed by now I reported it months ago

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