No, please provide us with more information regarding the lag you’re seeing.
The game is lagging so bad no game modes are opening and telling player they are having issues connecting to the servers of the game.
We’ve got it now! Thank you!
Looks like it started from a S25 issue and should be ok now or starting to get better.
Are the team looking at adjusting Baymax stats as he is a little to overpowered currently. His green skill is too strong
Rather his Olaf disk gives him more SP than necessary.
However, if you survive the blow, then Baymax does barely any damage… Same like before. So probably the OP green is best left to be and counter with… Armor, Reflect, whatever.
Yeah but he takes out pretty much all your heroes before that fight even starts. I used reflect made no difference to the fight what so ever
Well yes. It’s because of that SP boost on maxed Olaf disk. Plus his crit stat. Plus any external SP giver.
Use. Counters.
He does next to no damage against Timon, Shank, Fear, good Shang, and reflect.
Daisy also removes a lot of SP.
it got worse
But when is the invasion boost bug getting fixed?? The invincibility is not working even for a second… and it’s been months this way
Um…, When Clone of Beaker reaches its maximum limit, Bunse will not create any more, even when using white skill, the result is just empty.
So this is an issue.
The info here is actually incorrect. Giveaway crates completed the challenge, but they are not from the Crates screen.
stamina should be bigger if not at least same.
I wonder where all the mission speed-ups are, I didn’t saw any for days…
Also Loutre, could the team please give away in those “special deals” with 30M Mod Power and 35M Disk Power:
- megabits
- 500 10x red skill crates instead of 5,000 red skill crates?
It is really tiresome to open 5,000 with “use 10”…
Quasimodo is targetable during Green skill, he can die by reflect.
And the skill descriptions say he shouldn’t.
This isn’t a bug I think, rather a poor design choice, but Bellwether can make a single enemy permanently berserk, making them unkillable. She gets her white off again before it ends so…
I get what the team was going for - basically countering charm’s weakness of being useless if the charmed unit dies - but it might still be better to not have the berserk here, or at the very least to have it only work when there are other enemies - I assume a coding like this would be possible since Rex’s red skill and Demona’s green skill work in a similar way with allies
Well, yes, when there are no allies, the Charmed enemy basically behaves like being stunned. Allies attack it but why if it´s berserk still?