4.5 Known Issues

Actually it does… it´s exactly 10x overall the contents of single franchise deal for 10x the price. Lol

Before you start… hero and skill chips are at least 2.5x as much as for a single hero. 4 x 2.5 = 10.


It is kinda hard to see but if you look really closely, you will see that Phillip still activate his white skill even though I put Mim (Magica) in my lineup

In fact, this is not the 1st time this happened. There is something wrong with Mim and Phillip. Pls check

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Did he evade the Hex possibly?
Same is happening with Zeus currently, his evasion is high so he evades the Hex from Mary too

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Hex can’t be evaded, and Phillip doesn’t have evasion

What Zeus evades is the stun, not the hex itself. And he just has such a high energy gain that if the stun is evaded it barely matters


I’ve been out due to a family emergency for awhile and am just seeing this now and want to make a comment on it.

This is not a new policy. We’ve always needed as much info as possible. Nugget and support are just doing their jobs by getting as much info for our QA team as they can. A lot of the time all they get is “there is a bug” with not much if any additional info and the game has a very complex code so it can take our QA a lot of time to find these bugs which delays other bugs from being found/fixed. They’re just getting as much info as possible to make it easier and it’s best to get that info directly from you, the players, because you’re the one who is actually seeing it and can let us know how to possibly recreate it which helps QA recreate it without having to go through so many steps.


I appreciate and get all of that I guess. It’s an odd one because screenshots etc. obviously can’t be unhelpful, and as mentioned I’d usually provide one as a matter of course - and yet being asked for one in some cases feels a bit silly :laughing: I just feel that it can give the impression that QA is not as familiar with the game as perhaps they could/should be.

(or at least, that’s the impression I took from it)


It just makes their jobs much faster and easier if we can immediately point them in the correct direction first! Screenshots help A TON just by getting to see what lineups may be used. There’s just so much that has to be exact sometimes to recreate things. It’s crazy how some things work even down to milliseconds in timing having to be matched exactly.

If you’ve ever watched how people do those crazy frame perfect speed runs on games that’s things QA has to do all the time with blindly matching what a player may be doing. Screenshots/videos are the best things so that’s why we try to get those as often as possible even though we’re basically asking for the impossible sometimes.

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Can we know if Joy’s bug will be fixed with 4.6, or any other bug?

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I don’t really know much about game developement so idk if this applies here but… yes it’s really noticeable even just by playing the game how even the smallest timing difference can completely change the outcome of a fight. So I can see why the recording would be needed now that I’m reading this :sweat_smile:



BH6 Collection Buff (the shield) is working weirdly.

  1. It’s applied at the very start but it’s not blocked by DW, causing Baymax’s own shields from green skill getting blocked, obviously this is bad, ideally it should be opposite.
  2. The shield isn’t applied to summoned allies - Sven isn’t getting the shield.

Checking with the team!


Getting emails saying that you miss me?

All of my active accouns are getting them - I know I havent logged in in 2 hours, so I am sorry about that

Pretty sure this wasn’t supposed to be sent to all accounts, but thanks I guess


Noticed a glitch with Hades animation.

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Could you specify what the glitch is and provide a screen recording of the glitched animation?

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Well I guess this clears it up…

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Of course!! After his white skill, a blue fire animation stays on. My icloud storage is too full​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: so i will provide screenshots @Nugget

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Because it’s suppose to be, the flame is from blue skill, and the more HP Hades has lost the bigger is the flame.

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My mistake​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:. I looked at his skills and it didn’t say anything about that. Sorry for any confusion!!

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That would be a very good deal if it was actually Cinderella like in the description. @Nugget


He’s the prettiest princess at the ball! :sweat_smile: I let the team know!

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