Yes, it’s one of the fastest ways to rack up Mastery Points for your Heroes!
Invasion, City Watch and the Surge…
Yes, it’s one of the fastest ways to rack up Mastery Points for your Heroes!
Invasion, City Watch and the Surge…
Agreed comrade
With the last collections being added in October 2022, most people should have the majority completed by only completing 1 every week
So sorry, not a real reason to celebrate
If they would be bothered…
As for now only Aladdin needs collection.
HEY, I made my debut last 2021, so I still have a LONG way to go, before completing ALL of them Collections.
I have F2P accounts that have all collections complete just by doing a bit every week…
Are you making the most of Invasion??
I can see how people would struggle if their Team Level vastly outweighs their Hero Level/Rank (as is very easy to do for newer accounts) thanks to the way Invasion Breakers are scaled
Thus finding the first 2-3 days difficult, if I don’t have the necessary amount of Power-Ups.
Yes…but only during the FINAL 2 days of the Invasion, every week. That’s where I’m free to send in my much-needed Heroes, to help them gain enough Mastery Points, for their respective Collection tiers.
Right now, both my Damage and Tank Collections are in their FINAL tiers (Platinum III).
That’s a pretty good job mango
Thank you.
@Samm, is it bug or broken?
Zeus tries to defeat Fairy Godmother, but she is still alive…she just got stunned when Zeus gets lightning storm with his white skill.
Several people have commented on what they call the Tiana+Abu bug, where Abu sometimes becomes invincible when used with Tiana; a few people have noticed that happening with characters other than Abu, but this is the first time I’ve (apparently) seen Tiana’s purple skill causing the bug with someone who doesn’t start the fight in front of her.
Did she stay like this until the battle timed out?
Yes, that’s right!
That will probably be because of Tiana.
They should’ve called it “The princess and the bug.”
The video blimp above sign in seems to not be working @Samm in that nothing is there to click on
Super minor graphical error where the cracks that Flynn Rider’s sword makes in the ground from his victory animation appear to be on the top layer over characters.
I first noticed it on Hamm, but was curious if it was just him or other characters but they appear over Maximus here too.