5.5 Known Issues

Thanks for reporting this. Our team is currently working on getting the server back up, thank you for your patience!


I cant access my account. I logged in and got booted to a new server. I went to settings but it says my old server is temporarily down. Its been hours

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Server 21 should be operational again!


Yay! Serverā€™s back


Are we getting any compensation for the missing invasion rewards on Server 21 ? I canā€™t collect the weekly mod power through the screen because of it @Samm @TheGrillFather

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Hey, seems rewards arenā€™t appearing when watching ads on iPhone. The ad plays for 30 seconds and then the symbol to collect the reward doesnā€™t appear, seems to crash ā€¦

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I think itā€™s finally time for the rare and uncommon heroes like jessie, zurg or buzz lightyear to be obtainable through the gold crates, their exclusivity seems too outdated and really hard to ramp them up in their red skills


I think Gold Crates (their content of bits) and Diamond Crates (both their PRICE and content) need a huge revamp.
We are stuck with Crates dating back to R8 cap! (Gold Crates only giving purple bits alongside blue and lower badges, Diamond Crates giving full purple badges, but only orange bits)

1. Gold Crates should give orange, red and yellow bits and potentially even have a chance for full purple badges from Diamond Crates (since those would only satisfy requirements up to R6 badges anyway). Plus as you say 2* and 3* heroesā€™ chips.
2. Diamond Crates should give purple, orange and maybe even red full badges and yellow and emerald bits with higher % than Gold Crates.
ā€œHero Unlockā€ should be changed to Hero Chips equal to 3x max Red Skill Level, so now 102 hero chips.


Scrolling issue still is not operating in a normal manner. Iā€™m sorry but how is it that this matter is not a top priority for a hot fix? Itā€™s getting worse and worse from update to update.
Of course crashing issues should be addressed immediately. But losing the scrolling possibility is a game killer, too. Not be able to read skills properly and work out a strategy either to promote a hero or not, based on a skillset is essential.
Of course for you as a company deals are important. Itā€™s impossible to read them, too.
How this even connected to stamina regen rate? I canā€™t Wrap my head around this.
This issue should be fixed immediately, like yesterday.


Iā€™m sorry to insist but whatā€™s gonna happen to the missing mod power from invasion yesterday on Server 21 ? Are we really getting nothing ?@Samm @TheGrillFather


This is not an immediate fix as it is a rather complicated issue with so many different devices out there. We understand itā€™s a problem and are currently working to hopefully get a fix in for 5.6.


I will be following up on this issue with the rest of the team today. Thanks for your patience!


Now that all surge districts power go up every time they are beaten, isnt it time all score multipler be the same?

There is no difference between district no 1 and no 27 in term of power at this point :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: but we earn x3.5 point for No 1 and x1 point for No 27

Now thatā€™s unfair @samm

And when can we expect to have the new stamina regen rates? That is important and vital to players

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@Samm, I donā€™t know if this is an issue or not, but once Lock, Shock and Barrel use their blue skill, the sound repeats every 2 seconds during the battle, and also at the end, when it shows you how to improve your team. But itā€™s not that much of a deal, because if you return in the home, the sound isnā€™t there anymore. Same thing for Sarah Sanderson, who has the wrong defeat animation yetā€¦

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Great, I really appreciate your reply.

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I would rather tighten the heroes possible to encounter for districts 10-27.

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Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t see the mod power, where you guys did you send ? Only 250 diamonds on the mailboxā€¦ @Samm

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Hello. You must be taking over for @Samm for a while.

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Thatā€™s one of the bugs that will get fixed in the next patch after the cap raise. I hope the team is doing well with fixing Sarahā€™s bug.

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Hey folks, any ideas when you can fix the ad rewards? Desperately want to get back into the game but feel Iā€™m missing out

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