A Disney/Pixar Trivia

What do Poison Ivy and Wall-e got something in common

Umm, nothing?

Poison Ivy was the plant of WALL E (idk, but maybe)

Nope. They do got something in common

Uhh… no. You know what. I’ll ask a better question

But before that, what was the answer?

Poison Ivy and Wall-e like plants

What dinosaur was originally going to be used in the Dinosaur movie before Carnotaurus?

I don’t know the movie so… idk

That’s alright

Hey whats goin on here?

We’re playing a trivia game

Cool, I can watch

What is the mom’s name in Onward?

Laurel Lightfoot

correct (10)

What do a lot of Disney parents have in common?

The same thing most dads in Fire Emblem have in common: they die early on in the story.

That’s a weird answer but still correct :rofl:

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Lol I’m just a big Fire Emblem fan is all, so I know about this pattern. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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