All of my concepts

Hi all! I’ll put here all of my old hero concepts (both likely and unlikely). Hope you like them!


Jason is a 3 star midline control character
“We’re going to stop Gaea. All seven of us are going to come back alive. I promise you”
Entrance: Jason walks into the battlefield. When he arrives in mid-line, he starts flying.
Basic attack: Jason attacks enemies with his sword
Victory: Jason lands and bows.
K.O.: Jason falls down to earth, while his sword becomes a coin again


White - Lightning Chain: Jason strikes all enemies with lightnings, dealing X damage, stunning them for 5 seconds and removing from them 200 energy (Fantastic damage)

Green - Electric Field: Jason protects the entire team with an electric field, making all allies receive 80% less damage for 6 seconds. Effect is reduced on allies above level X

Blue - Aerokinesis: Jason throws some gusts of wind to enemies, damaging all of them for X damage and knocking them back (Normal damage)

Purple - Child of Rome: Every time Jason deals damage to an enemy, he’s healed for X HP and gains 50 energy.

Red - Energize: “Electric Field” lasts 4 more seconds; “Aerokinesis” reduces enemies’ attack and movement speed by 40% for 6 seconds. Speed debuff may fail on enemies above level X.

Additional Stats:
+X Skill Power
+X Max HP
+X damage dealt by any source to Support role enemies.


Jason/Piper: Stormy Love - “Aerokinesis” reduces enemy damage.
+Skill Power
“Aerokinesis” also reduces by 6%×S enemies’ total damage dealt for 6 seconds.

Jason/Hiro: Rise of the Heroes - “Electric Field” heals allies.
+Skill Power
Jason heals all allies for 1%×S of their max HP per second for the duration of “Electric Field”.



Piper is a 3 star frontline support character
“Being a hero doesn’t mean you’re invincible. It just means that you’re brave enough to stand up and do what’s needed”
Entrance: Aphrodite makes Piper appear on the battlefield
Basic attack: Piper hits the closest enemy with Katoptris.
Victory: Piper winks
K.O.: Piper watches the soil, sad


White - Appearances are deceiving: Piper attacks repeatedly the closest enemy with Katoptris, dealing him X damage and stealing 40 energy with each attack, giving this amount to every ally, including herself. Piper attacks 10 times (Normal Damage)

Green - Charming Speech: Piper charms the enemy with the highest damage output for 9 seconds. When charm ends, the enemy is dealt X damage. (Fantastic damage)

Blue - Foresight: Piper raises Katoptris, studying and blinding all enemies for 8 seconds. Has a chance to fail on enemies above level X.

Purple - Sweet Revenge: When Piper falls off 50% of her max HP, she throws her Cornucopia, recovering X health and 750 energy to all allies, including herself. Piper can only use this once per battle. Piper is also invincible for 6 seconds after using this skill.

Red - Natural Beauty:
“Charming Speech” now also charms all Damage role enemies for 6 seconds.
Piper and her allies start the battle with 200 energy.
Both effects may fail on enemies/allies above level X.

Additional Stats
+X Basic Damage
+X Armor
+X Splash Normal Damage from “Appearances are deceiving”


Piper/Leo: A Friend on Fire - Team speed buff on Piper’s crits.
+Skill Power
When Piper deals a critical hit, she increases all allies’ attack speed by 15%×S for 6 seconds. This can only activate every 8 seconds

Piper/Annabeth: Tough Girls ; stronger “Sweet Revenge”.
Piper’s gets a shield with X HP at the start of each wave. This shield has no time limit.
“Sweet Revenge” can now activate twice per battle, and heals 10%×S more HP.


Leo is a 3 star midline damage character
“I try very hard to be annoying, don’t insult my ability to annoy”
Entrance: Leo enters the battlefield by flying on Festus. Then he jumps down
Basic attack: Leo launches a little fireball to the closest enemy. This deals fantastic damage.
Victory: Leo poses, with fire all around him.
K.O.: Leo completely goes on fire, and laughs embarrassed.


White - I’m on fire!: Leo sets his hands on fire, gaining X basic attack and 150% attack speed for 10 seconds. While this ability is active, Leo can’t use other skills, but his basic attack hurts all enemies and deals fantastic damage.

Green - Hephaestus’ aura: Leo flips a wrench, healing X HP to the 2 weakest allies and increasing their skill power by X for 10 seconds

Blue - Happy Dragon: Leo calls Festus, who fires all enemies, dealing X damage instantly, Y damage over 5 seconds and blinding all targets for 8 seconds. This skill also triggers right after “I’m on fire!” (Fantastic Damage)

Purple - Volcanic: Leo deals 100% more damage to disabled enemies. Effect is reduced against enemies higher than level X


Leo/Jason: To Storm or Fire, the world must fall - Increases team damage against disabled enemies.
+Basic Damage
All allies deals 14%×S more damage to disabled enemies

Leo/Merlin: Discipline - Improved healing to allies.
“Hephaestus’ Aura” now affects 3 allies.
+10%×S improved healing to allies.


Percy is a 3 star backline support character
“The end of the world started when a pegasus landed on the hood of my car”
Entrance: Percy enters the battle riding Blackjack, his pegasus.
Basic attack: since he stays in backline, Percy launches little waves against frontline enemies. However, if there’s any enemy in his melee range, he will attack him/her with Riptide (this deals 150% more damage)
Victory: Percy raises a water trident
K.O.: Percy turns Riptide into a pen, being annoyed


White - A gift from Poseidon: Percy breaks a sand dollar, healing the entire team for X HP and removing their debuffs. Then they remain immune to debuffs for 5 seconds.

Green - Tsunami: Percy attacks the enemy team with a huge wave, dealing X damage to each enemy and removing every buff. Then they can’t receive any buff for 5 seconds (they can still heal) (Fantastic Damage)

Blue - Hey, Boss!: At the start of each wave, Percy rides Blackjack through the enemy team, dealing X damage to each. He also grants invincibility to all allies (including himself) for 8 seconds (Normal Damage)

Purple - Power of the Sea: “A gift from Poseidon” now grants 300 energy to the entire team. Percy also gains 150 energy whenever an ally uses his white skill. Both effects are reduced if allies are above level X.

Red - Cool and relaxed:
All enemies’ attack and movement speed is reduced by 20% while Percy is on the battlefield. Has a chance to fail on enemies above level X.

Additional Stats:
+X Skill Power
+“A gift from Poseidon” gives X reality to all allies until the end of the wave
+“Tsunami” removes X reality from all enemies until the end of the wave


Percy/Jason: The Blood of Olympus - Protects allies on critical HP
+Skill Power

  • When this disk activates, the involved ally is cleansed from all debuffs and healed for X HP.
    When an ally falls off 35% of his max HP, Percy turns him invincible for 1.4×S seconds. This can only happen once per ally.

Percy/Moana: Water Tamers - Gets dodge chance.
+max HP to the entire team
Percy is now always immune to debuffs, and has a 8%×S chance to dodge attacks.


Annabeth is a 3 star frontline control character
“I am never, ever going to make things easy for you, Seaweed Brain. Get used to it”
Entrance: Annabeth walks into the battlefield to her position
Basic attack: Annabeth attacks an enemy with her dagger
Victory: Annabeth takes Daedalus’ laptop and starts reading something in Ancient Greek
K.O.: Annabeth kicks the soil (like Judy)


White - Acting Clever: Annabeth elaborates a strategy, studying all enemies and decreasing their skill power by 60%. This lasts for 8 seconds, and can fail on enemies higher than level X

Green - Field Training: Annabeth throws her dagger at the furthest enemy, dealing X damage per second for 8 seconds and stunning him/her for 8 seconds. (Normal Damage)

Blue - The Mark of Athena: Annabeth asks for her mother’s help, and a big burning owl appears on the enemy team. Enemies with more than 65% of their max HP will instantly go under that percent of HP (True Damage). Enemies who already have less than 65% HP will be stunned for 4 seconds and cursed for 8. This has a chance to fail on enemies higher than level X

Purple - Wisdom: When Annabeth is in battle, all allies’ disables (including hers) will last 2 more seconds. This has a chance to fail for allies higher than level X


Annabeth/Percy: Seaweed Brain - Studies enemies at the start of the battle.
Stores X basic damage whenever an ally including herself crits, up to X stored damage. She will release it on each affected enemy when she uses “Acting Clever”
Annabeth studies enemies for 2,5×S seconds at the start of each wave

Annabeth/Meg: No need for help -“Field Training” removes armor and stuns.
Annabeth removes X armor from enemies when she uses “Field Training”
“Field Training” damages all enemies, stunning them for 1×S seconds.


Nico is a 2 star midline damage character
“With great power, comes a great need to take a nap”
Entrance: Nico shadow-travels to his place.
Basic attack: Nico attacks the closest enemy with his sword.
Victory: Nico raises a bone pillar and jumps on it.
K.O.: Nico gets angry.


White - Back to Life: Nico uses his powers to revive a skeleton. Skeleton has X HP and deals X fantastic damage with each attack. His armor and reality are equal to Nico’s. When a skeleton is revived, enemies are scared for 8 seconds. Nico can’t have more than 3 revived skeletons at once.

Green - Bone cage: Nico locks the weakest character in a bone cage. If he’s an ally, he will get a shield with X HP and immunity to disables for 8 seconds, and the whole team will receive X HP per second as a heal while the shield is active. If he’s an enemy, he will instead be stunned for 8 seconds (this ignores tenacity), and the enemy team will receive X damage per second while he’s stunned. (Fantastic Damage)

Blue - Shadow Strike: Nico shadow-travels into the enemy team, scaring them for 10 seconds. He then stays in there for 2 seconds, spreading shadows and doing a total of X damage to all enemies, and finally comes back to his place. Nico can’t receive any damage while spreading shadows. (Fantastic Damage)

Purple - Ghost King: If an ally is K.O.ed while Nico is on the battlefield, he will keep fighting as a ghost until Nico is K.O.ed or the end of the wave. Ghosts can’t use skills, but they will deal 75% more basic damage. This effect is reduced on allies higher than level X. Also, spawned characters like Skeletons and Hiro’s Megabot can’t become ghosts.

Red - Seeking Death: The first time one of his allies is K.O.ed, Nico revives them with X HP, applies “Hellbound”* on them and spawns 3 skeletons (these can go over the max number, even without Jason’s disk)
Allies with “Hellbound” can’t fall under 1 HP
and gain 75% more energy. “Hellbound” expires when Nico is K.O.ed.

*Note: If Megara is the first ally K.O.ed, “Hellbound” will be applied to the frontmost ally, excluding the linked one.

Additional Stats:
+X Skill Power
+X Skill power to Control role characters in the team every time a skeleton is revived
+X Basic Damage to Damage role characters in the team every time a skeleton is revived


Nico/Hades: The Doors of Death - Ghost allies attack faster.
Nico gets X more armor and reality for each ghost on the battlefield.
Ghosts attack 12%×S faster.

Nico/Jason: The Darkest Secret - “Back to life” is stronger.
Nico can now revive unlimited skeletons, which have X more HP and X more basic damage.
Nico also gains 10%×S of the energy gained by other characters (both allies and enemies).


Jack is a 2 star backline control character.
“I’ve been around for a long time. My name is Jack Frost. I love being on my own. No rules. No responsability. It’s as good as It sounds”
Entrance: Jack flies into the battlefield.
Basic attack: Jack throws a snowball at an enemy.
Victory: Jack creates a snowman
K.O.: Jack yells.


White - Winter comes: Jack creates a blizzard on the enemy team, dealing X damage per second and slowing their attack and movement speed by 40% for 8 seconds. If an enemy actives his white skill during the blizzard, he will be frozen for 7 seconds and lose all of his energy. (Fantastic Damage)

Green - Ice Wall: Jack raises a wall between the two teams, shielding frontline allies for X HP and freezing frontline enemies. This skill lasts for 8 seconds.

Blue - Chill Out: Jack throws a huge snowball at the enemy with the highest total damage output, freezing him for 5 seconds and reducing his total damage dealt by 65% until another snowball is thrown. The skill is activated at the start of each wave, and then every 18 seconds. This skill can fail on enemies above level X.

Purple: Cold bites: Jack’s allies will ignore 60% of frozen enemies’ armor and reality. Effect is reduced against enemies higher than level X.


Jack/Elsa: Let It Go - Frozen enemies take damage per second
Frozen enemies take X fantastic damage per second
Allies who can freeze gain 9%×S of Jack’s skill power every time they freeze an enemy.

Jack/Nico: A soul in the snow - Reduces enemy tenacity.
Enemies lose X skill power every time they’re frozen.
Enemies have 20×S less tenacity per control character in Jack’s team.


Griff is a 2 star frontline damage character
“What’s up, cell mates? I got this. You missed this key when you frisked me, rookie. There you go. Oh, and, uh, here’s your wallet! You’ve gotta retake that license picture. Yikes!”
Entrance: Griff walks into the battlefield.
Basic attack: Griff punches repeatedly close enemies
Victory: Griff flips a key.
K.O.: Griff wrongly handcuffs himself.


White - Free!: Griff hits all enemies with random “borrowed” objects, dealing X damage each and healing the weakest ally for 50% of the total damage dealt by this skill. “Free!” deals 50% more damage at every successive trigger, stockable up to 4 times (This doesn’t reset at the end of a wave). (Normal Damage)

Green - Takedown: Griff “borrows” a motorcycle and drives it through enemies, dealing X damage to each. The furthest enemy also takes damage equal to 25% of his max HP. Griff is invincible while riding a motorcycle, and heals himself for 75% of the total damage dealt by this skill (Normal Damage)

Blue - The toughest: Griff takes 70% less damage. Effect is reduced against enemies above level X.

Purple - Hard Life: Griff gains X skill power and Y basic damage.

Red - Breakout: Griff deals 90% more damage while he has more than 35% of his max HP.
Griff also heals himself HP equal to 40% of the damage dealt.
These effects are reduced against enemies above level X.

Additional Stats:
+X Basic Damage
+X Skill Power
+X Damage dealt by “Free!” to Damage role enemies.


Griff/Shank: Christmas gift - “Free!” freezes enemies
-“Free!” heals X HP to all allies
-“Free!” Freezes enemies for 1,6×S seconds

Griff/Jack Sparrow: Dj Griff - Shares SP and BD.
-X more skill power
-X more basic damage
-Griff shares 7%×S of his skill power and basic damage with all allies


Gladstone is a 2 star backline support character
“I am the best at getting something for nothing!”
Entrance: Gladstone walks into the battle, then he picks a four-leaf clover from the ground
Basic attack: instead of having basic attacks, Gladstone receives money prizes equal to his basic damage.
Victory: Gladstone lies on a deckchair
K.O.: Gladstone yells at the sky


White - Lucky Day: Gladstone removes a leaf from his clover, healing the whole team for HP equal to the amount of money stocked (stocking resets at each use), and applying “Luck” to all allies for 7 seconds. Lucky allies take 30% less damage and have 50% probability to avoid disables and debuffs. If “Luck” is applied on already Lucky allies, they will instead turn invincible for the duration of the 2nd Luck.

Green - Shiny!: Gladstone finds a diamond and raises it, blinding all enemies and dealing X damage per second for 6 seconds. This ability will also deal 100% more damage for every support character in Gladstone’s team, not including him. (Fantastic Damage)

Blue - Under a Good Star: When an ally crits, Gladstone gives him 500 energy and applies “Luck” on him for 7 seconds. This can happen once every 10 seconds. This ability has a chance to fail on allies higher above level X.

Purple - Share the Luck: Lucky allies can’t receive critical hits, and gain 50% of Gladstone’s basic damage and skill power for the duration of “Luck” (Darkwing’s green skill will still trigger if he receives a hit which was supposed to crit while Lucky). Effect is reduced on allies higher than level X


Gladstone/Flynn: Luck Algorithm - Lucky allies are stronger.
-Whenever “Luck” is applied on an ally, he receives X reality until the end of the wave
-If an ally is K.O.ed while Lucky, he will fight for 2×S more seconds

Gladstone/Hercules: Favor of the Gods - Buffs team damage against tanks
-X more basic damage to allies
-The whole team will deal 30%×S more damage to enemy tanks.


Eragon is a 2 star backline damage character
“Let us teach them to fear our names”
Entrance: Eragon walks on the battlefield and takes his bow.
Basic attack: Eragon shoots an arrow to an enemy.
Victory: Eragon raises his sword, which starts burning, and smiles.
K.O.: Eragon throws away his bow and Brisingr (his sword).


White - Brisingr: Eragon casts the spell Brisingr. He takes his sword and throws flames on the enemy frontline, dealing X damage to all targets and Y extra damage over time. Over time damage is twice the instant damage. (Fantastic Damage)

Green - Jierda: Eragon uses the spell Jierda, then shots a powerful arrow that hits all enemies, dealing X damage to each and stunning them for 6 seconds. (Fantastic Damage)

Blue - Waise Hëill: Eragon heals the two weakest allies for X HP, and turns them invincible for 7 seconds.

Purple - Inheritance: Eragon is now immune to disables. Also, his basic attacks and “Jierda” will now deal X more damage over 2 seconds. (Fantastic damage)


Eragon/Saphira: Memory of the Dragons - Freezing Fire
+Basic Damage
-“Brisingr” will deal 20%×S more damage and freeze targets for the duration of damage over time. Basic Attacks and “Jierda” can’t freeze.

Eragon/Robin Hood: A special bow - Stunned enemies take more damage.
-“Jierda” will deal X more instant damage
-Stunned enemies will take 15%×S more damage from all sources. “Jierda” also triggers “Waise Hëill” effects.


Saphira is a 3 star frontline tank character
“No hunter of the sky should end his days as prey. Better to die on the wing than pinned to the ground”
Entrance: Saphira flies to her position and licks herself like a cat. Then she starts fighting.
Basic attack: Saphira attack close enemies with her claws.
Victory: Saphira roars loudly
K.O.: Saphira falls to earth


White - Sparkling Fire:
Passive: Saphira starts every wave with a shield equal to 60% of her max HP. This shield has no time limit and prevents her from being disabled.
Active: Saphira throws fire at the enemies, dealing X damage to each. If enemies are being damaged over time, this skill deals 5× damage. (Fantastic Damage)

Green - Shining Scales: Saphira turns the enemy with the most HP into diamond for 8 seconds, stunning him and stealing a total of X HP. Diamond enemies can’t be targetted. (True Damage)

Blue - Predator Sense: If an enemy is under X HP, Saphira jumps on him and deals X true damage. Saphira is untargettable while doing this. (True Damage)

Purple - Dragon Pride: Saphira gains X shield HP every time any “Eragon” character deals a critical hit.


Saphira/Arya: Guards of the Forest - Stronger “Shining Scales”.
+Max HP
-“Shining Scales” turns 2 enemies into diamonds. 10%×S of the health stolen by this ability is also turned into shield HP.

Saphira/Maleficent: The Dark Dragon - Scare enemies at the start of the battle.
+X basic damage.
-Saphira’s basic attack deals fantastic damage.
-Saphira scares enemies for 1,5×S seconds at the start of each wave. Saphira’s allies gain 30 (+10 per additional star) energy every time they hit a scared enemy.


Arya is a 1 star Backline support character
“And then you came, Eragon. You and Saphira. After hope had deserted me and I was about to be taken to Galbatorix in Uru’baen, a Rider appeared to rescue me. A rider and a dragon!”
Entrance: Arya walks to her position
Basic attack: Arya hits an enemy with magic. Her basic attack deals fantastic damage
Victory: Arya sits down and meditates.
K.O.: Arya snorts.


White - Charming Song:
Passive: Arya can only be K.O.ed when there are no allies left, including charmed enemies.
Active: Arya sings, charming 3 enemies for 5 seconds and giving allies 300 energy. Charm may fail against enemies higher than level X.

Green - Stealthy Hit: Arya jumps among enemies, dealing X damage to each with her sword and gaining “Protector” for 8 seconds. Then she goes back to her position. While Arya has “Protector” active, she will always be the first target of enemy hits. However, area damage can still hit all the team. (Fantastic Damage)

Blue - Anthem of Nature: While Arya is on the battlefield, allies gain X HP and 50 energy per second.

Purple - Advanced Magic: Arya redirects 50% damage and disables dealt by enemy white skills on herself. Effect is reduced on allies above level X.

Red - Duty of a princess:
“Anthem of Nature” heals 200% more while Arya has “Protector” active. Arya’s allies also have 45% more Skill Power. Both effects are reduced on allies higher than level X.

Additional Stats:
+X Max HP
+X Skill Power
+X Armor to allies


Arya/Eragon: Memory of an Empire - Buffs allies’ survivability.
+Max HP to allies
-Allies have 10%×S more armor and reality
-Anthem of Nature heals 15%×S more

2nd disk coming soon.

I will add a new concept right now, and then more once in a while. Feel free to express your opinion!

What a great movie

I used a different format for this one, in order to make it easier to read. Should I rewrite all my old concepts in this new format?

I would definitely recommend doing so. I suggest using the Hide Details option whenever working with large, individual concepts.

Like so.

It condenses your work into a single line attention grabber, like using the characters name, which can then be expanded upon clicking. Eliminates walls of text and makes for a much simpler read.

Thanks for the advice. I’ll fix all of them

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