Asta (Black Clover) (Unlikely Hero Concept)

Asta (Black Clover)


Description: “Asta is an orphan left under the care of a church in the village of Hage. He is the wielder of a five-leaf clover grimoire and is a 3rd Class Junior Magic Knight of the Clover Kingdom’s Black Bull and Royal Knights squads.”

Quote: “My magic is never giving up!”

Entrance Animation: Asta walks to his Position while gettong his Sword out of his Grimoire.
Winning Animation: He does push-ups over and over.
Defeat Animation: He shouts very loud

Appearance: In his normal outfit with the black bull coat around his collar
Team Trial: Red
Stars: 2
Role: Damage
Position: Front


Basic: He swings his sword to the enemy dealing dmg.

White skill: "Mada Mada!!!"
Asta takes out his Demon Dweller Sword and hold it at his other hand so he can do dual wield, when his in this form he gains X Basic dmg, Increasing his attack speed by 150% and
his movement speed by 100%

Green skill: "Demon Slayer Sword"
Asta reflects 5 upcoming projectiles to him and his Allies and reflects it back to the enemy, dealing the dmg that asta or his Allies was about to take, asta can reflect skills or basic attack projectiles.

Important Details

(Asta can only reflect Fantastic dmg skills like Elsa Green skill Asta can reflect it back to the enemies and if the enemy skill targets all enemies asta can deflect once bc
Elsa targets all enemies soo asta can reflect himself = 1 and his other 4 Allies)

Asta can use this skill once each 15 seconds

Blue Skill: 'Demon Destroyer Sword"
Asta gets His Demon Destroyer Sword out of his Grimoire if an ally has a status effects (only freeze, silence, stun, curse, and DoT) he removes all of it.

Purple skill: "I’LL BE WIZARD KING"
When asta gets a status effect (onlu freeze, silence, stun, curse) he use his Demon Dweller Sword to absorbs it.

This effect will fail if asta is above lv X

Red skill: "Demon Form"
When asta Use “Mada Mada!!!” he transform to his Demon Form instead of not transforming, Gaining X Basic Dmg, Increasing his Attack Speed by 175% instead of 150% and increasing his Movement Speed by 150% instead of 100% and When Asta absorbs status effects bc of his Demon Dweller Sword,when asta use "Mada Mada!!!* he swings his Demon Dweller Sword to
create a Slash with all the status effect that asta gets and gives it to the enemies.

(P.S this skill just gives extra stuff to his White Skill)


Surpassing Out Limits
“Mada Mada!!! Gives Hp”

  • +X SP
  • +When Asta Use “Mada Mada!!!” he heals himself by X (+HP each Star is Added)
  • Allies: Kirishima, Yami, Li Shang
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Red doesn’t have animation

Yah why did you ask? It just give some stuff to his white skill. Red skill does not do animation

Transform into a demon form? That sounds like an animation

That’s for his white skill gani, the red skill is just Buffing his BD, Attack speed, movement speed, and when asta use his white skill he will transform to his demon form, i just put transform to his demon form bc how can he buff his attack speed, BD, and movement.

Thinks for a moment* I’ll accept it. Also, change the 41 to X

Oh okay thx

Anything for a friend

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