Badge Origins

I was talking to @Wave9Nut @Preside_Miguel, not you

It isn’t. The treehouse from the badge is too big to be from that show

But in future Will You make badges involving Brandy and Mr Whiskers?

I do not even work for PerBlue…


Yeah it doesn’t really look like Cottom’s parrot but, Pieces of Eight is definitely Pirates of the Caribbean.

Actually, “Pieces of Eight” is a term that is used outside of POTC

Yes I know, but how many other Disney movies does have significance?

I mean, there is Treasure Island

Hmm… aight.

It’s an underrated show, Happy it’s represented in the game!

Nah just new.
But personally I can’t get enough of this world Dana and Alex have made and I can’t wait to see how ties into the larger universe!

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I guess your right, I just don’t see anybody talking about it, maybe after the first season ends and gets on Disney plus, then we’ll see more people talk about it. Also Hooty is my favorite character :slight_smile:

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You’re talking about The Owl House, right? I saw the first episode, and I can’t say I can see what you find so appealing about it?

It was preachy about “weird is good, don’t be conformative!” kinda stuff, and the episode felt like a cliche, cookie-cutter kids movie. Hero being made fun of and rejected, finding a place where they fit in and make friends, conflict with a bad guy, they start to lose, inspirational speech from hero, band of rejects wins against the guy they were just struggling against. And that is the pilot, which is a bad first impression.

I’m genuinely curious, does it get better after that? What happens in the second episode? :upside_down_face:


Oh yes. Yes it does.

Luz feels bored with how slow and boring her “Witch Training” is and upon meeting a wizard who believes her to be the chosen one, she sets off on the magical journey of her dreams.

Trust me this episode in particular is REALLY good. It has Season 2 of Gravity Falls vibes.

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I was in the same spot as you when I saw the first episode, then the next few episodes came out and now it’s my one of my favorite shows. The Intruder is probably my favorite episode so far.


@Polaris Will there be new Badges? If so Can i suggest You some Badges?


  1. Of course there’ll be new badges. There are new ones every cap increase. Should be obvious
  2. This topic is for finding the origins of already existing badges. Not make new ones

I Mean suggest The show for The making of the badge

I know. This topic isn’t for suggestions.
Make your own topic

Hey, the new badges have appeared, any time to update?

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