Battle badge conditions

I am noticing some heroes have conditions to activate battle buffs which can only be met by using a specific friendship disc ability or abilities from other heroes.

Personally I believe this is unfair and restrictive.

Genie is a good example, his skills do not apply a shield. One of his two friendship discs does. So to use genie effectively I would have to switch his friendship disc.

Perhaps this can be reworked to be only triggered in base skills and red skills otherwise why even have two friendship discs to choose from?

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Well, he does that with red skill.

But I agree with Genie, just so random, and basic damage for him… meh.

Basic damages buff to him would be fine for his disc that gives him double basic attacks, but if you use that disc he can’t shield…

The conditions can be done by all allies on the team, not only the hero with that battle badge.

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You’re still forced to use some specific heroes to use with your primary wants.

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