Battle Pass Error?

Why is the battle pass on my account not working? Stop at (3). Even though I already finished the quest. Is this just on my server? or just my account? Please answer my question. Thank you :relaxed:

I’m from server 14
Guild Name : Ice Buddies

You need to finish quests every day to get more rewards?

Already finished. But still in (3). Can’t reach (4). I don’t know why. :frowning:

Yes, so tomorrow you do more quests

Excuse me. You’re not listening. Every day we do quests. I have completed all my tasks for a week. My battle pass is stuck at level 25, it’s an actual bug. Not a matter of not trying for additional tries the next day.

Because that’s the max level the Battle Pass can go to??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It doesn’t let you receive the reward at all. So yes, they are at level 25, but it doesn’t mean the reward paid out.

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