Bloofy & Pouchy

Bloofy & Pouchy

Stars at the beginning: :star:
Role: Support
Position: Back
Team: Yellow

Entrance: Bloofy walks into the battlefield, when he reaches his position he turns and faces the front and asks where enemies are (question marks and images of Brute/Mage floating around him), and then he returns to normal.
Victory: Pouchy spits out confetti.
Defeat: Bloofy shrugs.

Quote: ‘‘You know what we call that? Denial. Can you say Denial?’’

Basic attack: Bloofy throws a tomato at frontmost enemy

White Skill: Dynamite! :sparkles:
Pouchy floats and flies above the middlemost enemy, then Pouchy spits tons of dynamite that explodes when it lands on the ground. Each dynamite deals X Fantastic Damage to all enemies, and bonus X True Damage to the middlemost enemy. All enemies hit lose their active buffs, get Shattered and Pierced for 8 seconds, and gain 5 stacks of Fatigue.

Meanwhile Bloofy cheers for his allies, healing himself and his allies for X HP and increasing their Armor and Reality by 200% for 10 seconds.

Green Skill: Where is Strongest Enemy? :fist:
Bloofy faces front towards the player and asks where is the Most Wanted enemy, a moment later that enemy is marked by a red circle. The marked enemy has removed all active buffs, takes X Normal Damage, and has 50% of their Basic Damage and Skill Power stolen for the remainder of the battle. Stolen Basic Damage and Skill Power is then given to Bloofy and his allies. Bloofy and his allies also heals for 100% of the damage dealt by this skill.

Blue Skill: We Did It!
Bloofy sings a song to motivate his whole team, cleansing, increasing their attack and movement speed by 200%, and granting 5 stacks of Empowered and Precise for 10 seconds. Bloofy and his allies also dodge 5 next attacks or skills.

Purple Skill: Breaking the Fourth Wall
Bloofy blocks all disables and Curse, Hex, and Sap debuffs for the first 15 seconds. Whenever an enemy attempts to apply these debuffs they will be applied with these same debuffs instead, and additionally Studied for 15 seconds, and receiving 1 stack of Decay.

Enemies with these registered debuffs in their skillsets have their initial cooldown increased by 10 seconds, and their base skill cooldowns increased by 3 seconds.

Red Skill: Search For a Clue
Bloofy and his allies become Energized for 5 seconds after each use of “Dynamite”. Energized allies receive 80 extra energy each time they perform a basic attack.

Every 3 basic attacks, Bloofy throws instead a dynamite which deals X damage to frontmost enemy and enemies nearby, and applies Silence and Blind for 6 seconds.

‘‘Where is Strongest Enemy?’’ now studies all enemies for 10 seconds. Whenever enemies are studied from any source, Bloofy and his allies are cleansed and gain 20% Armor and Reality for the remainder of the wave, up to a 300% increase.

Additional Stat Boosts:
+X Max HP
+X Reality


Vinny Santorini - Dynamite Delivery

"Dynamite!" Applies Disables

  • +X SP
  • +X Armor
  • +X Reality
  • Disabled enemies lose X Reality
  • ‘‘Dynamite!’’ now applies a random Disable to each enemy for 2 seconds. Disables include stun, freeze, blind, silence and charm. (+2s per star)

Basil of Baker Street - Failed Clue

Study Applies Additional Debuffs

  • +X SP
  • +X Armor
  • +X Reality
  • Studied enemies lose X Armor
  • When Bloofy or an ally study an enemy, that enemy also becomes Pierced and Confused for 1.5 seconds (+1.5s per star)

I love when you post a concept, you never disappoint!!

1 Like

Wow! I love it!

Never if you keep asking.


I’ll stop asking.

No, no you won’t…

And stop reviving dead topics!

Yes yes I will.

He’ll come this October or December if I stop.

It takes perblue months to create the characters

Bloofy should come maybe next year

I know, right?

Well, maybe you’re right.

You’ll see! I will prove I’m right!


Jul 1

The movie came out like 2 weeks ago, so maybe he might come like on fall or winter.



It takes perblue months to create the characters

Bloofy should come maybe next year


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That’s what I wished for a long time.

Please stop with bloofy!

Add him… them both. In 2024.

Comment [Bloofy & Pouchy #2024] to make it happen!

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