Cannot get the docks in the port today(today is 3X)

Same thing is happening on server 6.

Yeah same issue here. Tried twice and even watched a video both times to get double. But still didn’t keep my winnings.

Same here, I was really excited about the triple rewards too because I’d just unlocked Hades

Well this event just came out 40mins ago on Server 10.
If it’s still not resolved 6 hours since it released from other servers, I would say that they’re not intended to be open. Weird that this happens though, everytime that Double/Triple Trial/Port comes up, all doors should be open. shrug sigh

Save on server 9. This is going to be a huge loss if gold if not fixed before the reset.

It’s just the XP one it’s happening to. Gold one is working fine.

Server 5 geht auch nicht

Yea same issue thought it was just me. Phone restart did no change.

I hope they didn’t change how this works based on something I said the other day :frowning:

The XP one just closed down. Says opens tomorrow, but they extended the event for 1 more day? Maybe they changed how it goes? Doesn’t open all but longer event time. Idk really.

These double/triple events etc. for Port & Trials used to open up all the Port & Trials slots so we could benefit from them all. That was a great idea & feature!

The last event, and now this one too, haven’t done that and so we only benefit from the bonus on 1 of the trials/port depending on the day (yes, unless we are up after reset tomorrow).

Is this a deliberate change? It’s a poor one.

EDIT - just noticed the event is now running for 2 days rather than 1, I suppose that makes up for it. Still, an odd change.

Same happen with me.

Same issue experienced.

Bei mir auch gerade heute bei 3fachen XP Drinks :sob:

Hey everyone, sorry for the issues. We’ve adjusted the event so that the 3x rewards will run today and tomorrow, so you’ll be able to get the bonus for both the docks and the warehouse. We’re looking into what made the docks not want to be open today.


Thank you Polaris! I will enjoy the extra XP for Hades who I just unlocked

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And what about the Port Reset Token that some of us used?

Lots of bugs being released lately…

Tomorrow both, docks and warehouse, will be open?

No, tomorrow the docks will be open, as the normal schedule. We extended the time on the event so that you will be able to use the 3x bonus on both modes of the Port.

We also sent everyone a port reset item through the game mailbox.

And in the next events? Docks and warehouse will open the same day or it will be like today from now on?

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