Character Concept: Rapunzel, Princess of Corona

Well…idk about her being underappreciated… I mean she has more suggestions here than Aurora, Pocahontas, or even Ariel.

I think the OP ment outside the game. Like popularity with little girls compared to other Disney princesses. I could be wrong because I have boys and don’t buy dolls. Lol But we do watch the movies. :slight_smile:

Hmm you could be right. I just dont know how simeone would be really popular for the game but not popular in the outside world. Like I said, Idk

I would love to see Rapunzel in game.

But I don’t like that white skill at all, I don’t want her to heal the opposition. Especially given we have no control over white skills in some parts of the game like Arena & Coliseum - that’s a nightmare.

That’s fair. The skill is designed in such a manner that it is suppose to make one hesitant when using it and in situations where you can’t control it. However I personally wouldn’t change it because it coincides with the source movie and still provides an interesting risk versus reward with it. The skill is suppose to be almost a soft reset on the battle to where if someone gets too low too fast she can heal them up in time for their skill to go off.

The biggest thing about the skill is that it heals a percentage of the damage done over the past 20 seconds meaning depending on how much damage got off in that window the heal can be stronger on one side or another versus just a flat heal to everyone. Giving it an interesting dynamic of making sure you take enough damage and not dish out too much too fast. I still standby this being a skill that imo would be one of the defining characteristics of Rapunzel and one that gives her a inherent skill level that hasn’t been quite matched in the game as of yet. I do understand the locked auto of Arena and Col make that difficult to use properly by especially in other pvp and pve modes it can be an incredibly powerful tool.

Ok i can no longer pretend to know what this means. You use it and so do others. Sooo…? What does it mean?

In my opinion.

20 char

…oh! Thanks! :grin:

I like it! Especially the white skill, more moves that require clever timing (like Miguel) would be great. The backfire potential is also fair seeing as it ignores the only reliable counter to healing outside the brute force required to KO the enemy before they heal.


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