Just trying to get a handle pn the characters and the best to focus on
We do need to know you have and what sever you are on.
But aside from that, No hero is truly the best. What is your team lvl? That is i portant too.
“Best” and “worst” are gross oversimplifications to the point of getting in the way. What a character is good or bad at is is more important. For example, Sulley and Nick are generally regarded as fairly middle-of-the-road characters, if you’re judging by the arena. But they’re very useful heroes to farm up, because Nick is excellent at getting through City Watch due to how his white and purple skills carry over, and because Sulley with his Woody disk is great at carrying teams through multi-wave Campaign battles.
However, this is a relatively recent tier list for arena PvP.
Thanks all for the input