Я просил
хi don’t understand the writing of the text
Do Google translate. Or any translation app
Google translation: And Felix is already good
Google translation: I requested
maybe i don’t think so
I think I need Google translate to work this one out!
@Retro_84 literally just gave you a solution
@The_Michael_Team that handwriting is in Russian. All you have to do is copy the text and paste into Google Translate
Google Translate is available to anyone who isn’t signed in @The_Michael_Team
And does the state really matter?
Guys, Maui already went and translated it for you a few posts up.
yes the state has a rule for Google Translate
For now only Stitch was refreshed.
Genie was one of option amd really needs refresh, he’s dying for it! Can he get one (BIG one) in 1.16?
As much as I want to see refreshes for these heroes, I think Shank needs one too.
Shank also needs Hero Refresh. I agree.
What I really want the most is Judy Hopps Refresh
Shank refreshed?
Imagine doing Joy-Olaf friendship after that.
There’s more in need heroes, Rex, Genie and all WIR characters, but firstly those mentioned in start.
Joy/Olaf is already basically impossible at the level it’s unlocked. But yeah, I hadn’t thought about her annoyance in campaigns in general (Goofy’s for example). I still think she could be great for PvP with a decent refresh tho. I mean, she can’t get worse than Mr. Inc in campaigns… right?
Agreed. In the beginning stages, Elsa is a huge issue
Calhoun also needs a refresh, to make Duke/Woody campaign easier
Oh she already is. Trust me.
Now, I can’t agree with that. Sorry, but thanks to a single Mr. Inc I’m stuck in Duke’s campaign. My Duke is level 127, O7, with maxed skills. And while he crushes Shank, he can’t defeat Mr. Inc thanks to his refresh.