City watch Easy mode needs review

I’ve been specifically playing City Watch in Easy mode for the purpose of advancing my Collections with minimal difficulty.
Today’s attempt was significantly frustrating:

It was the same every time, some character with a Rush ability (Baymax in this team) would obliterate everyone immediately as the wave begins, meaning that they cannot be used in future rounds and therefore, their Collection stops advancing:

So the City Watch Easy Mode needs to be redesigned so the teams are easy to defeat, if it’s not Easy mode, it’s pointless even playing this at all since my Collectons cannot advance with this level of difficulty.


You can unlock collections by doing Breakers in invasion or surge :slight_smile:


But invasion is only Monday-Friday and Surge only adds one point per day.

So CW is the only option and even that is a pain in the neck.


But CW can give you max 15x5x3 points a day
Breaker quests in Invasion you can get 5x15 easily on the first 15 levels
And then you can change the heroes you need for something stronger as the breakers difficulty increases.

When i needed Princess collection for example after we got Jasmine stars i revived Jasmine basically after every fight but the other 4 heroes were enough to kill the breaker and I got the points for her.
It is a bit more difficult but you can get a lot more points from Invasion in the 5 days it is running than from CW or surge. And since Invasion is practically free (only thing you need is time to regen stamina) it is also better in my opinion.

I don’t like Invasion, because it’s not up all the time and it’s only every boss battle that awards Collection points, not every battle.

With the escalating difficulty, I don’t make it to the end of City Watch now, but at least I got a few battles in.
But if this trend continues, soon I won’t get any in without using my most powerful characters and they don’t need collection points at this time.

I think the problem is City Watch is using other player’s teams, who have been specifically upgraded to one hit other player teams.
And that needs to stop, at least in Easy Mode.
CW Easy Mode should be using preprogrammed low level teams, ones that can be stomped over by even moderately powerful teams.

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With that I 100% agree, i also think Easy and Medium is too hard
I actually thought they removed the use of other player’s lines in CW…?


City Watch uses lines drawn from Coliseum teams now, which gives more variety than using Arena teams would, although it’s only marginally easier.

I do think Easy mode ought to be a little easier, to the point that people should be able to finish it every day, though still challenging enough that they have to practice the strategies that are necessary to beat the harder difficulties.

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@Tilarta First of all if the Incredibles characters are your main characters I think will recommend you switching them out for newer characters as that can help you a lot even if they are Red and you aren’t Red yet :-).

If you could send pictures of what characters you have I could maybe give you more specific team advice.
I can at least say that Nick, Sulley with his Woody disk and Wall-E with his Kevin Flynn disk is a good combo for City Watch.

As for the Easy City Watch mode, I agree it is probably too hard to be called an easy mode.
If it were an easy mode the enemies would not go over your own team’s level and maybe even be set to be 10 levels under your team as a max in order for it to actually be easy.
Should be a viable fix in theory.


Boss battles don’t give collection points at all. Breaker fights do and it is best source for collection points.

@Kira, the Incredibles are not my main characters, I was just looking through my Collections to see where I needed to work, seeing this:

made me realize I needed to work on them next.

I usually put them in a team of Reds, but this is not helpful:

What is the point of continuing if only Mulan makes it to the next wave?
She doesn’t need Collection points!
Also, since Baymax is untargetable during his start of battle rush attack (like all the others), Mulan can’t defeat him to move to the next battle.

I can’t look at the Invasion right now, because it’s offline, but there are 4 minibattles and one boss battle above it, the boss is the only one who counts for Collection points.
1 out of 5, that’s not a good reward system, at least in terms of efficiency.
I usually skip over as many of the minibattles as I can because they just waste stamina and time for no Collection points.

Oh, I see why you’re getting placed against heroes that are over Red rank. Your mulan is Red 9, can you tell us what ranks your top 5 are?

I’m asking because the heroes you go against scales depending on your top 5 heroes based on power.

Based on this, the best way to level up collections would be surge and especially invasion(when it is happening).

Though, I do agree that City Watch difficulties need to be changed since it’s pretty hard to beat CW.

Ah so you are more so a 100%er/completionist then :-).

Then it is another thing yeah, but I commend Wall-E with his Kevin Flynn disk I think as he can help your characters stack energy and as such defeat the enemies before they can do anything.
While won’t work on characters who start with a attack like Quorra and Baymax, it can still work on many other teams.

As for Invasion the Breaker Mode gives collection points and I think that’s what they were referring to in terms of Invasion :-).


Actually, it’s the Buff I want:

Ah I see.

Still, wouldn’t the HP increase only be for the Incredibles character as it says “This Collection”?
Either way, I wish you the best of luck and hope you manage to clear the collection :-).

My advice:

Don’t use collections characters against city watch teams that kill them instantly. But do use them in later fights where they will not die.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that the first fight is the easiest and then they get harder as you continue. That’s not the case. If a weak character can’t survive the first fight, don’t use him in the first fight. Save him for the second fight. Maybe he’ll survive the second fight.

Yes, the HP increase only applies to the Incredibles, but often there is a crossover value, like Dash and Jack-Jack also being in the Damage Collection.
Which was a subset motivation, realizing I was working on Gold Damage, but Incredibles was not keeping pace, decided to level the metaphorical bar, so to speak.

Every single breaker quest battle counts towards collection points for the heroes used. If you spend some time on it, that can be a huge amount :stuck_out_tongue: Boss battles don’t in fact count.

Based on this, Mulan & Baymax should be able to carry up to 3 incredibles through each CW battle

Didn’t even make it through Battle 1 of the City Watch today:

I think it’s time to stop doing this until it stops being a one shot obliteration fest.

I am assuming the game is drawing the opposing team from the Arena teams, which apparently are far overpowered beyond Easy Mode difficulty and thus, should not be allowed to be provided said opposition anymore.
So they need to either write an algorithm that denies teams for selection if they include Red characters or rewrite the mode so it only uses predesigned non-player teams of the relevant difficulty/power level.

Mini Battle:

No Collection points awarded.

Major battle:

Collection points awarded.

In any case, I am not interested in using Invasion to compensate for the overescalated difficulty of City Watch.
I dislike having to apply player solutions to something which can only be fixed by redesigning an aspect of the game by the Devs when the code makes it non-viable.

As I mentioned before, City Watch uses lines drawn from Coliseum now, not Arena. But City Watch also chooses lines based on the power of your top 5 heroes, so that’s why you start off facing all-Red teams. If you can end a battle with Baymax’s energy meter full, you may be able to protect your weak Incredibles heroes in the next battle by triggering his white skill as soon as possible, but as there’s no way to do that for the first battle, you may have to wait until the second battle to start using them.

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