City Watch Resets: Reward Flaw

I’ve been playing this game for 100 days and I feel stupid, because of the poor design for arena/coli rewards. I’ve earned around 5 CW resets. The first time, I thought it was an item since it looks like a medium CW raid ticket. A few times, I tried to see where the item went Then I just forgot to ask for awhile. I open the rewards usually at 10pm, so I guess I never checked CW to see it reset.

Why in the world (I only have 1 reset) is the design such that I can claim it, but then effectively lose it at 5am the next day? I’ve lost out on these rewards and nothing has ever helped me figure out how to claim it!?

Does everyone just know to use it immediately before bed? Or does everyone have the guild perk where they can bank 2? I don’t get how this is even an issue. None of the other rewards require you to use them right away.

Challenger Div 1 even gives 2-3 resets at a time. With a cap of 1, they couldn’t even utilize that.

What I do when I know that I will be getting these resets (although my guild has the bank thing)

When you open the game go to City Watch and ‘raid’ for the first reset. After that you open Coliseum (or Arena same thing) to claim the rewards.

As long as you don’t open Coliseum the rewards won’t be forced upon you. So by doing a CW first, you still can use the reset given to you.

The only thing you can’t receive is 2 resets. For that you do need that guild perk.Would advice to buy that amyway, but that’s up to your guild

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Yah, I’ll do that from now on. I just didn’t know how it worked at all until now. I know if received some when I already had 1 reset. The others, I got them and didn’t even check CW to see the 1.

The cap should be 3 if the rewards go up to 3. Also we should be able to bank over the cap if we earned it. I’ve never heard of problems receiving a reward in any game that I’ve played.
Thanks for responding :slight_smile:

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September '19:

July '20:

Make of that what you will :man_shrugging: to me it looks like they are already consumables, but don’t want the Challenger reward ones to work that way, presumably because they enjoy watching us have to do 9 City Watches on a Thursday. This has been brought up time & time again since Challenger Seasons were introduced, with no other response.

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I guess my issue is that there’s no way I’d have known to use them immediately. You can’t even click on them to see what they are - as a noob, I began to think they were raid tickets, not resets.

How do you even do 3 when the cap is 2?

The cap technically isn’t 2. It’s the same as the ‘cap’ on stored stamina - you can have more, it just won’t naturally refresh. When you collect the Challenger rewards it can go over 2 (ie. after the last Wednesday I had 9), but like the support agent said - because it’s over the refresh cap, unless you use them all that same day (or enough to get back under the cap) then you won’t get a new one the next.

Ah gotcha. Thanks!
Now I know not to collect rewards at 10pm at night when I’m not going to do any CW runs.

Too bad this mechanism isn’t user friendly and I guess I just lose out on 5 rewards :frowning:

It has been addressed once recently, though without any concrete answers:

  • Several months back, Polaris mentioned the possibility of making the City Watch Reset reward from Challengers Arena/Coli into a consumable item, so we could use it at our discretion instead of having to use them right away to get any advantage from them. Is this in development, or at least possible?
    • [Polaris]This issue is still in design. The challenge is we don’t want players to hoard the reset items, but we also don’t want to penalize players who rank highly in challenger.

Personally, I don’t see what the issue is with the possibility of people hoarding them. :man_shrugging:


Maybe they don’t want people hoarding them and then spending them all in one day? Like during a contest or something? Idk it’s just a guess.

Yah for me, it wasn’t even about hoarding them, it was about using them. I basically lost out on the reward, because I didn’t get my daily reset every time :frowning:

Easy way to prevent them spoiling contests would be to set cap on point-scoring CW runs of 6 - the maximum naturally possible.

I don’t know what other advantages hoarding them would have - there are double CW gold events, but CW rewards like 1.5m gold and they can’t seriously suggest anyone would bother, or that it would impact the game if they did

My bet it’s more along the same reasoning as to why new heroes are always diamond crate exclusive, event exclusive or sign-in.

They don’t want people to hypothetically be able to max out a new hero immediately on release though resource saving because then they can offer deals for people who want to get them ASAP because they’re usually significantly more powerful.

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