Coliseum ranking issue

The current way that the coliseum fills out the top 10 doesn’t really work. Currently each round someone gets into the first spot, then we they are defeated, they drop to 2nd, and the rest of the top 10 fills out subsequently. The problem lies in if somebody whose team is at the top of their tier get the 1st spot, nobody can defeat them, causing the top 10 to not fill out, and denying an entire tier of players who can’t get an opportunity to compete/rank up. Perhaps when players win a fight against any other player, they are placed in the next available rank, from top down? The top 10 will then fill out with a variety of powered players giving the rest of the players a chance to compete.

The secondary issue with the current rank system in coliseum is that when a high powered player does get the top rank when the round starts, they are continuously being fed a disproportionate amount coliseum coins because they are the only option to fight get on the top 10.

I’ve seen at least 3 rounds in my tier where top powered player/s held the top spots and no one could defeat them, leaving the 3-10 ranks unfilled at the end of the round.

I’m sorry, what? What round? What does “top10” mean in your message? Who denies what?

There are no rounds in coliseum or arena. Once you’re in top5 the clock starts ticking and you have to reach zero to promote. You don’t have to be #1 or something. If someone is sitting at #1, you’re free to beat #2 (or #3 or whatever) to become that number. If there’s a single player at #1 and noone else, you’re free to beat any player in your group, you become #2 after that.

Round as in when the rewards for being in the top 10 are given out. That’s not been my expirience, when I defeat other unranked players, it does not place me in a unoccupied rank, I don’t get any rank at all, i just stay where I’m at, unranked.

In this screenshot, there are only 4 ranked players, and it’s been only 2 most of the day. Rewards were given out, but there was nobody in the ranks 3-10 to get rewards. I’ve made multiple wins on other unranked players, but it doesn’t get me anywhere on the unoccupied ranks.

I have to reiterate what Alexei is saying… What?

When you’re unranked, you’re unranked until you win a fight. It’s only after this that you get a number. Plain & simple. You don’t necessarily have to fight a numbered rank to get a number… again, you just have to win against another player (in coliseum, that means winning ALL 3 fights).

Then there’s a bug happening, because I’ve won 3 fights today (all three rounds) and never took a rank, while ranks 3-10 are unoccupied. No one else in my tier is taking ranks either, just sits with 1st and 2nd all day.

Actually I might understand the issue you’re having.

In Dragonsoul they’ve had this situation - if your league is too small (not sure about the exact numbers), then places 1-5 aren’t guaranteed a promotion timer, instead the game waits until you have more players in the league.

Please check how many players does your league have right now.

Are you actually winning all 3 battles against a player in coliseum? If you aren’t you won’t get ranked at all. If you are then if I was you I’d send a ticket in to see what’s going on. You won’t get a response until Monday when Perblue is back in the office. I know they have a few bugs still floating around.

The recent update fixed my issue, must have been a bug, I was able to rank after wins.

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I was not ranked after I won. What should I do?

My issue fixed when the game updated, maybe send in a ticket if it keeps occurring?

I did my best to get many coins but the game crashes. How I’m I going to get a support ticket for this game so it won’t crash?

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