Concept Requests

Who always flags?

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Why was this flagged? @Polaris someone flags randomly!


Is it possible for me to change the settings of my topic so I’m the only one that can flag?

I am afraid you can’t…

Forky Concept Please!

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Already made one.
My hero concepts starting with Yesss

Could you make a Carl Fredrickson concept?

I replied to the wrong post.

this one is a little strange, but would u do the redheaded pirate from the Pirates ride? i can send a picture if you need it

There are multiple red heads, there is the original red head then the new one red and the the one from the movies Scarlett

the new one on the ride or the movie one, which ever @Slinky-Dog prefers

Am I alloud to request twice?I would love a mr knowsmore or bing bong concept

Lotso Concept added

Can you do a kaa concept

Welp, that’s my topic gone

Oh no… The Man Behind The Spamming…

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 32 hours.

It’s open now!


I have a request, How about Frollo?

He isn’t taking requests.

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