Contest Values

All of the contests of late have had values reflective of the amount of something stockpiled on the servers. With this now effecting Fortify The Network, the values have been drastically cut.

The norm forever has been 75 per diamond spent and 35 per stamina spent.

With these changes, it punishes large numbers of newer players and those who don’t horde items or gold. I think we can all agree there is a negative impact here that dissasociates a large portion of the player base with these new tactics at preventing people from holding onto too many items (gold, stamina, diamonds, etc…). Frankly, I believe the contest values should be normalized as these individuals who do horde items are and will be a continual problem. The player base as a whole, especially newer players, shouldn’t suffer because of this.


Hm… I wonder why PB? you decrease the points awarded in the contest, people stockpile Stamina to have a chance at the contests. If they wanted people to spand diamonds to get anything good, they could add a cap on how many times you could spend Stamina per day and get credited for points.

oops, I said too much…

Thanks for the feedback. There’s already a thread discussing this weekend’s contest. Please join the conversation there. Thanks!

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