Currency Conversion Rates

@Ioutre @Nugget do you have any update on the currency conversion 3rd party you were going to work with (referred below)? Any plans to include additional countries?

Check the deals above. I don’t know if it is personalized or anything, but it turns me down from spending. 52.59GBP is 120BGN, not 240BGN…

If this was a personalized deal I apologize and would be great if we know which deals are personal so that we don’t compare with peers and avoid the frustration :slight_smile:

Only France, UK, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Denmark, Canada and Brazil, I believe… are included in that third-party thing.

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It’s a testing.
If it’s successful they can extend it to other countries

The complete post is in the 4.2 Know issues.

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But even then IOS is not included in this

Yeah I mistook Norway and Sweden,forgot Australia and Phillipines lol.

I mean… BlueStacks exists. That´s Android…

Yes I know about the post, I would have posted there if it wasn’t locked. The question is are there any updates the team can provide - when can we expect this to be rolled out more widely? The screenshot above shows a staggering 100% difference hence why I’m asking for info - this should not happen to such extreme (or maybe there is personalization in play).

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