Daily Meta Report!😉 (Your Daily Tips And Tricks Report!)

Daily News

Small Updates

  • Fortify The Network Has ended! Congratulations to all who got Joy and other Rewards this morning! :smiley:

  • The Beautiful month of July is ending real soon so don’t forget to Sign In to get some new Kick-Butt characters that we like to call Ducky & Bunny! :rabbit::duck:

  • New To The Game? Well get some Judy chips for the ride cause it’s not gonna be easy Judy can help your team by making them stronger at the beginning of every round and healing them for absolutely destroying enemies and she can keep herself alive as well don’t miss this deal get 4 Judy chips now just for 54 diamonds yep you heard me Right!

  • Wanna be the most powerful player in town, well Wish Granted! Get Genies awesome bundle get 50 chips for Genie and don’t forget the strongest dog in town Goofy! Get a 100 chips Millions of diamonds and Double stamina pack by buying Goofys into the fray pack!


This is for all the new players or pretty good players that need help getting over those Unpossible levels here are some Characters that can really help you out!

The Characters!

  • Goofy!
    The First character in this Meta is of course The one and only Goofy! Lets go over how this character Can really help you in battle!

Bust A Move!

This skill is useful in many ways not just one the speed increase is one thing but then we have a blind! This is really helpful and it goes well together blinds are seen as the most underpowered Negative Effect But it can really change the tide of the battle if used right this blind can really protect allies about to be Defeated in battle and plus it’s a really long blind so be sure that many of your allies will be safe for a while :smiley:, and the speed increase can help take out those hard to beat tanks and enemies in a Heartbeat make sure to keep this character on your team if you really wanna defeat enemies :smiley:

Two Left Feet!

Yep here we go again another boring dodge almost every tank and character has it but this is really good for Goofy it’s another aspect of him stay alive long enough to execute his active more and more and plus the damage from the counter on this skill is actually really good also helpful to defeat enemies quickly!

How To Goof!

Another Aspect on keeping Goofy alive this shield can be helpful to keep him alive but then here’s the real deal the fact that the shield gives stats buff keeping Goofy alive much longer this will help him stay alive a lot longer to pull of his active more and more.

In The Groove!

Another aspect on keeping Goofy alive and well every time he dodges he gains a stack of “Groovy” which heals him for a great amount of health when using his active this paired with his shield will keep him in battle he’s pretty much unstoppable at this point so he’s great for beginners to get past hard levels.

Next Meta reports will be on Moana or Hercules so stay tuned for the next Report!

Good Sports!

This for the Good Sports Of The forums that are Kind and Helpful to others!


Here are others who should’ve been added but couldn’t due to the limit.

Thank you for reading!

Upcoming Articles

(Weakest Hero)
(Why Beast will Be the next Meta!)
(Moana and Goofy counters!)

Stay Tuned For The Next Meta Report and or Article!

Meta Report Info!

If your a little confused this isn’t really meant to be a Article the Small Updates will Be in every Article and Meta Report a Meta Report is for beginners to help know which characters to farm and all!


It’s the 16th…

These kinds of deals are exclusive to the player, so putting this kind of thing in doesn’t really work. :confused:

Also, you may want to put what server these are for. Joy isn’t available on all.


Thank you I’ll be sure to change a few things tomorrow!
Thank you for reading😁


I haven’t been a good member?

What about me?

Umm… maybe this is why?

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I’m an atheist thank you

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Eat some :bacon: or do some yoga.

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image https://data.whicdn.com/images/43352527/original.gif
I love reading these news(paper) with Stitch!


I fear I may have started a trend… sorry NewsBot.

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Oh no I forgot you there’s just so many I’m so sorry ;(
I was asleep I’ll add you no worries :smiley:

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It’s alright the more the merrier :thinking::smiley:

Dis new daily news system looks fresh. Good work buddy. :+1:


Thank you so much😄

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Thanks @LoveIy for the mention!

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Aww I feel special! :wink:

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