Yes. However proportions among characters of the same franchise must be kept. Tamatoa is massive compared to Maui and Moana
You two are being off-topic
Still, I don’t think it will be a problem. Rex is bigger than Moana, and as woody said… “You, are a toy!!!
Well the toy story characters are equivalent in moana so… I would say same difference
Moana is a toy, right?
But why aren’t all of the toy story characters small like Ian’s power? Tbh, they should have only made Andy and then this would not be a problem
XD I really don’t guess we need this topic cuz the discussion has wound up happening in the other thread anyways XD
No. Shes a human, yet outsized by a toy.
I’m gonna leave you two alone, because you two are clearly not understanding
No, we understand, we just want to explain our opinion, and we respect yours.
Yes, this is just an interesting debate we are having I would love to continue it!
Ok so I guess new debate:
Why didnt hades just kill Hercules when he was a child? He obviously knew about him as he sent pain and panic to do it, but he knows they are flimsy and stupid so why didnt he just do it himself?
Because the Villains never do the hard work.
He could of atleast relyied on sombody else smarter and better to do it.
because he though Pain and Panic killed him…
Ok so next one; sombody please make a next one.
XD this was gonna primarily be made for the Maui-villain debate thing, it’s alright to let it sink into oblivion.
Ok. Then that I shall.
Basil isn’t small.