DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Sisu LOOKS A tier just by looking at stats - but giving a proper judgement before testing her is difficult

Triton… depends on how his stats will be, skillset seems nice but breaking shields wasn’t needed…


Welcome to 3.5.11!

  • Added Sisu
  • Added King Triton
  • Raya’s placement now includes Sisu disk
  • A lot of heroes movements

Tier list is on the first post


A couple things with this tier list:

Glad to see Raya & Sisu make it at least in A-Tier.

Surprised by a lot of hero movements (I find it hard to believe that Moana is in the A-Tier, is she really that good?)

Poor Randall made it into C-tier.

Sarah deserves to be in the D-tier.

Why is Fred in S-tier, is he really that good?

I feel like Wasabi should be moved in the A-Tier, along with Fred.

Same here. That sounds like some Grade-A nonsense.

Indeed, she is just :wastebasket:.

Great damage, good hardy source, and great freeze-counter.

Actually… I was thinking the same, but while maxed his skills still do +50M damage and Syndrome disk well… is good.

Hello, @Raymond.

However, she won’t go much higher due to her skillset based on shields and her tiny tenacity.


Also happy to see Mr. Big and all the other controls down tiers.

Mr. Big is still good, but Fred can counter him.

Not to mention, there is an upcoming scare counter just around the corner…

i think im going to ping @Raymond now

oh no, i was too late-

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What happpen

Sarah’s main gimmick is that she’s linked to Billy (like Meg) and one of her main skills is distracting enemies to target Billy, and you can see for yourself why she sucks.

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Basically Jasmine 2.0


Ahh… the good old days when Randall was absolutely broken…


Here’s her Y10 stats

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You’ve created… a Raya :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Welcome to 3.6!

  • Added Anna
  • Added Flik
  • Added Hopper
  • Some hero movements (starring EVE)

How do you know where Hopper stands? He’s not in the game yet to my knowledge

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via wakkatu.


His stats are not final at all so take with grain of salt! Only when they’re in-game and in spotlight are the stats final!


I smell a loop with red skill on his Sheriff disk and white skill, so I believe the disks are not final at all. That is if knockback is tied to splash damage.

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eh, just 750 energy, almost :eye:

and everything else seems… final. unless he will get Gadget’s triple nerf treatment.
if anything, things can be changed, as for now he seems… just above average.

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ah, true, I forgot that the White Skill will change to targeting two enemies instead of one… I guess that was the way to prevent the spam…

However, a single Blue or Green Skill happening equals White Skill happening again so…

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