DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

What makes EVE strong? I really love Wall-E so seeing a character that strong from the movie makes me happy.

Also, for the love of god can they refresh Jack Skelly already? It’s a travesty all the NBC characters are so bad and a doublr travesty that Jack is the worst.

Since R17 she was slowly getting good badges, and her red skill is very useful for Zeus, Chip & Dale, and any other shorter disables like Baymax’s freeze, her own damage is very high as well… her blue skill also can stun for almost 30s so it can take down Zeus from using his active on start if he will be the target (which mostly is).

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Very happy to hear that!

Will continue to work on her in that case.

just make sure to keep her red skill maxed, and I do recommend her Calhoun disk to be maxed too, just to be sure.


I noticed something about Hopper.

He has the same badges as Raya on Wakkatu as far as I know. It could change though, but we need to find out when he’s released.

am i even allowed to discuss this

So time to ask this…

Where Anna belongs?

Not for being favorite or HATED AND BURIED WITH THE DEAD like some people will say. I want a neutral and impartial opinion about her.

mid-bottom A tier as above.

it’s not the first time PB used the same set of badges on another hero…


Didn’t see you already add her.
It’s a little harder notice the new heroes in the tier with so many already in the game and the list.

Thank you.

Welcome to 3.6.10

  • Added Pete
  • Baloo refresh :palm_tree:
  • Other hero movements
  • Cleaned S-tier for Supports
    • Kermit and Jim have moved a tier down, as Kermit’s evasion is getting very low and it took away his way to use his skills safely, and Jim has some counters which completely removes green skill from the play, other supports also are missing something bigger like survivability to be moved to S-tier. Obviously, some supports are still amazing and so these heroes are above a line that was put on A-tier, these support heroes are excellent and are near S-tier but just missing that extra push to be in S-tier.

I hope Finnick gets the second hero refresh

It does kinda suck that Kermit’s evasion isn’t very low, and Jim’s counters might as well be the ones that broke the straw to the Camel’s back.

Glad to see Baloo move up some tiers, and happy to see Pete land it as an S-Tier.

me too

you mean isn’t very high?


I’m happy to see a tier up for Gadget. She’s not OP but she’s not bad


Yeah. I meant to say very high.

Is Baloo really that good now? Does he still glitch for two seconds while dancing?

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He didn’t earlier today… and now he does :roll_eyes:


Is it after he takes a huge chunk of damage? Because that’s probably not a glitch–that’s probably Flinch.

I know that, but no, he literally stops immediately for no reason, nobody hits him, no debuffs (he got even hardy) and he still stops.

But at least he has good stats, right?

I feel like if that’s the case, I’d keep him in B-tier

stays A, unless pb will fail to fix him for longer time…

maximus in b tier? :upside_down_face:

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