DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Scrooge does too though

Yeah… that’s not right!

They weren’t counted somehow, and yes, they should be in high D tier, abusing Timon disk is kind of fun.

This however will be changed on tier with next update.


Why is Ursula A tier all of the sudden

This stuff.

and she was A tier from a while now.

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…But Ursula still has, like, 50k HP at Y0. There’s no Slinky or Angel on Earth that could possibly keep her alive.

She has 10M HP, which is around what late 2019 has.

It’s possible to keep Joy alive, the most fragile toon in the entire game, it’s possible to keep her alive as well—



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Let’s get dangerous…

While no Slinky or Angel can keep her alive, KRONK can.

And she has better HP than Hiro, and Hiro got a refresh too.
(Hiro’s HP at Y1)

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Opposite. :zzz:

One question: Is Kim useless in PvE as well?

Well She is great in PVP, She with Barbossa(Ti) :sweat_smile:

Scrooge McDuck en D tier??
Es esto un chiste, verdad??
Que ha pasado?

Como masacraron a mi muchacho :cry::cry:

El era terrible desde el principio.

Bueno, Habilidades que hacen daño fantastico y sin criticos, anulacion de realidad, Tenacidad o Evasion haciendolo totalmente vulnerable a incapacitaciones
Espero que PerBlue le otorgue mejores insignias para compensar sus malas estadisticas (aunque se necesitarian varios rangos) o un Hero Refresh

[Well, Skills that deal fantastic damage without crit, Reality Negation, Tenacity, or Evasion making him totally vulnerable to disables.
I hope PerBlue will award him better badges to make up for his poor stats (though multiple ranks would be needed) or a GOOD Hero Refresh]

Since we get to see Fozzie’s full stats does any one think they know where he will land in the list?

I stake everything on Fozzie becoming S tier due to the synergy with Ursula red skill (and Kermit)

In PvP? Hardly.

I think Fuzzy gotta be on the S tire because when I first played with him in the anniversary trial, I was so impressed and laughed so hard on his move sets

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