DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

It’s literally a worse version of Swedish Chef’s Bunsen disk, which is already weaker than his Linguini disk.

Chef’s has no BD debuff limit. Quackerjack’s does. At least the Slinky disk has the courtesy to give him some SP.

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Not like it matters. With Chef the BD of enemies could be reduced to 0.


Yeah, at least skill power buffs are useful. Always nice to find a silver lining.

Yeah. You have a good idea.

Something else kinda nice about Slinky’s disk would be that at least the robot teddy bear has armor.

Useless when Quackerjack can explode the bear by himself :man_shrugging:

Yeah, there’s that, too. Overall, I see Quackerjack’s disks as a double-edged sword. Another question I ask is that, what disk would be better for Esmerelda?

I dunno. Both disks are good.

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I wonder what Musketeer would think. For me, I will work on Goliath’s disk.

I just saw the new tier list and here are some of my reactions

Shank in S tier: well, i’m actually very surprised! Looks like the refresh worked very well!

Chesire Cat in A tier: I use Chesire in my team… the only thing I have to say is… AM I IN THE SAME UNIVERSE AS ALWAYS? This is a super disappointing for me, a very nice surpirse for other… I don’t know

Maximus at the bottom of S tier: the same case as Chesire, but I don’t use him in my main team

Sulley in A tier: Meh

Kim Possible in B tier: she’s slowly reaching the A tier. At least she’s not at the bottom anymore

Scrooge McDuck in D tier… again: I use Scrooge as well… what am I waiting for? See him again in A tier?? It’s just a dream, Perblue will do absolutely nothing to solve his problems, just like Basil. It will be better change Scrooge to something better at this point.

May i ask, what are the best ways to counter godmother?

Actually he is always taking me out! Don’t know why people think he is weak.

As a person who uses him in a main team I can say: the horse rocks, even today, even with powercreeped stats. Sometimes even top damage dealers fail against him, his skillset is just that effective.


Even at R5 :joy:

No joke. My Max was at R5 (until recently) and he could stand up against high-damaging enemies like Wasabi. Although, to be fair, his red skill is at level 105 or something


But all you have to do is have other damage dealers survive to attack him at the same time.

Nah. Max can counter and stun Wasabi :upside_down_face:

And Esmeralda?

Musketeer forgot to add Esmeralda, but here you go

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Is kronk even a good support anymore?

I’m sure Kronk can still be used for stalling on defense:
8 second teamwide invincibility, 7 second trap door, and a revive that takes 3 seconds
He sucks on offense though

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