DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Raya spotlight (which is where you can get her real stats) will be tomorrow.



It’s almost 2022.

I won’t try then.


  • Chef is slow and lacks on damage
  • Claw needs Kermit, otherwise his whole team just dies and he himself isn’t enough. He is very close to Shank, but she has just better buffs and helps whole team and has brutal damage.

The poll. 2nd worst control hero in-game.
And he is indeed trash. Stats don’t work, worthless spam of white skill, and his refresh was a joke. No idea how this topic is keep bringing up~

What is now… is sad. And badges/stats are final anyways, only normal crit works.

Lilo has some nice way to actually do something great as I found out. Pocahontas was always near S tier so I decided to move her, skills are passives so why not.

Yes… but it wasn’t stat improvements as PB said but a whole refresh which didn’t described what is changing.

And now her white skill can deal over 200M damage :upside_down_face:


Alice in d tier :cry:

She deserves it. I can barely call her a “support”. The only role she fits in is: “worthless”.


I know, she needs a buff

Maximus is mediocre

And yeah… I don’t have Claw up but I do have Chef and Shank and she is more useful

Raya’s current stats are meh - but I think she shouldn’t be ranked at all until we can’t at least try her spotlight.
Ariel in S tier could work but high A heroes are still very good - especially when S tier only has 2… like for supports most of those A tiers are meta level of popular anyway

Just saying, I agree he’s bad but he doesn’t spam anymore. He never got back energy gain from active


I do say Ariel is in the S-tiers of support, along with Esmerelda (the better Animal)

Maximus is definitely counterable nowadays, but the Chef is still good in my books.

Esmeralda is fun, and has huge potential.
The only problem I have with her is she dies super easily before she teleports


I still hate him because of his study damage reduction and green skill

I suppose he is counterable
Swedish is definitely a little worse than Max though

His green skill almost never works, and the purple skill is meh, at best.

Not for me D:
It always seems to work

I find an 80% damage reduction more than “meh”

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It’s… not really that

It’s just that now it’s easy to disable him, without his tenacity, and he dies quickly

(His tenacity still works fine on newer servers so that’s why he may be a bit more annoying to Cannon - tho he’s still fairly frail)

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The funnest part with Esmeralda in my opinion is combining her with Animal and Kermit.

They throw each other into an infinite loop of white skills (especially Animal) and mass BD.

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Animal isn’t really needed, but yes if it manages to happen it’s super fun. Once I had Honey Lemon just spam active for like 6-7 times in a row while everyone else was standing still (enemies were invincible so she didn’t kill them) for all that time


Really annoying that Gadget and Sarah are so low ranked with how new they are. I put resources into these useless heroes!

Also, I don’t think Miss Piggy should be THAT low ranked but I get that a lot of people don’t use her as often as I do.

So you know I am not sure if Musketeer has invested into Sarah and as such her disks, or basing her placement purely on the spotlight, so that’s something to keep in mind as some characters need their disks to be decent.

From what I heard though Sarah might become more decent with the disks, but has weird stat balance that make it harder for her to be truly good.

As far as Gadget goes I don’t know if Musketeer has invested into her or not, but she at least has a weird stat balance from what I heard along with low stats/damage compared to other new characters.

And yeah, always best to wait with investing in characters before they have gotten properly tested, something I recommend keeping in mind for later and wait until there are more info on the characters in terms of how good they actually are :-).


I already told you why… and slow isn’t any complicated … new debuff.

Also, posted on discord her maxed. :confused:

it doesn’t take 5 months as you think. :unamused:

Is that your cat? She is cute.

What… cat? :disappointed_relieved:


Yes, very cute. :blush:

Also, that’s Zunar-J-5-9 Doric-4-7 (aka Jake) from The Cat from Outer Space movie.

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