DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

It’s possible for non-whales to max his red skill, it’s just very time-consuming. Of course, part of what allowed me to max his red skill was burning through dozens of Elite Campaign Resets on a day when PerBlue had triple hero chip drops in Elite; now that that’s not happening, it may take even longer to get enough chips…

I’ve had it maxed for a while but it took way too long :grimacing:

Tbh I can see why F2P would skip it. It’s gamechanging but only at the very top. 4 seconds of immunity don’t matter that much outside of it, but so many heroes (more or less) oneshot everything with ease with maxed reds and disks and strong mods, so in those scenarios 4 seconds can be enough to dictate how the whole battle will go.

So yes Hatter is absolutely a top 5 control at the very top. Not even remotely anywhere below tho so yeah consider that when you see him ranked that high.


Regardless of anything else, sparring heroes 1v1 is possibly the worst way to determine hero capability :man_shrugging:


I can understand as well; especially for players who weren’t active during the time that PB was showering us with diamond crates during contests, and considering that triple hero chip drops are apparently now a thing of the past, it may well be impossible for F2Pers to max red skills for certain heroes. I still think it’s a good idea to strive towards that goal; just in case PerBlue ever does decide to make hero chips reasonably plentiful, you’ll be that much closer to maxing your desired red skills than players who just never started because it was, at the time, apparently impossible.

To get the red skill chips… hero chips are a huge problem still

Vacation is on… so the next tier list update will be later, most likely on 21/08 or the week following, it will include Agent P and some hero movements…

As for now, datamined Perry’s stats place him in the low A/high-mid B tier, but they are not finished, hopefully, so he will not be added now.

The next post will be a wiki which will allow everyone to post names of heroes who you think belong in lower/higher tier. Just like back in March…


Which hero’s position seems for you too low/high (wrong)

Post the name: (wiki post, only two per person)

  • Princess Aurora - Too low
  • Megara - too low
  • Sisu - Too low
  • Sadness - Too low
  • Calhoun - Too high
  • Tron - Too low
  • Baloo - Too high
  • Li Shang - Too high
  • Davy Jones - Too low
  • Tia Dalma - Too low
  • Kristoff - Too low
  • Basil - Too low
  • Maximus - Too low
  • Powerline - Too low
  • Baymax - Too low
  • Moana - Too high
  • Dash - Too high
  • Yax - Too high
  • Sally - too low
  • Animal - too low

Maleficent disk

I feel like Sisu is a bit too low these days, considering the recent injection of Hardy spammers, e.g. Bagheera and Flik. Also, removing Fatigue stacks and basically all of Zeus’ Skill Power is pretty good, too. Also her Mushu disk should be listed alongside her Mim disk, as Reflect is still super common, as well.

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you could have added it to musketeers post in the edit tool saying Sisu (too low)

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also her (Ma) Disk is Madam Mim, not Magica

I had no idea that was even a thing I could do.

I also kinda wanna say Underminer and Sadness are too high but they’re already pretty close to C anyway

How ironic…

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Basil Kristoff too low

Sisu too but it said only two so i just did basil and Kristoff

Yeah I think Sadness is at the very least A tier lol.

She is super tanky, can withstand Zeus; and with proper mods her rain clouds kill whole teams in one go even if she’s by herself. She’s very reliable :man_shrugging:t2:


I also think Flynn Rider should be in B tier but I just won’t go there lol

Cool idea of voting. :smiley: How about adding a way for others to aggree or disagree next to the suggestions? Like a vote count.

you or anyone can just make a comment on this here, just a new post.

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At first glance, I read that as “Boris Karloff” and was wondering who in the game could’ve been mistaken for him…

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