DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Magica always had her inconsistent hitbox holding her back a bit but otherwise she was super strong when released

Belle was insane in 2020 yes

I still think Magica is like A Tier. same with Belle and Minnie.

Do u have an Image when Sarah was good like A Tier, was she ever?

Also seeing Miss Piggy A TIER?!

Thats crazyyyy

She was the weakest hero since release to be added.

Minnie, yes, but VERY barely now.
Belle aged very bad.
Magica’s issues from back then just grown nowadays.

Never. Which is sad :laughing:

Can agree with Magica but I don’t have an issue with B either

Belle isn’t A tier but honestly, with a stat refresh she’d be back with how much hardy characters spam now

:+1: B isn’t that bad if you ask me, they are just balanced.

Makes sense.

Now I know you disagree with me here but I personally think she is B Tier.

I can name at least 20 characters that are above her that are loads worse.

I mean I do use Magica sometimes, usually I pick Winnie first though when I need that kind of stun

she is also the best charmer in game, but she is just too frail, same with Magica.

and that’s the softest way to say she is trash, neither way she helps allies, or have own good skills, or damage to enemies, or literally anything, all her skills are bad, and none of her stats works.

I use Magica a lot, I reverse her and Daisy in my 1st team.

When Miss Piggy was new, I used her with Megara and a few other supports to steamroll over lines that were well over twice as strong in power, even lines that had top-tier heroes. Her usefulness fell off a cliff after about 6 months, but for a while there she really was S tier.

Also, I suspect your experiences, being currently around team level 170-180, can be significantly different for some heroes than they would be for players at the server max (especially for the older servers). That doesn’t necessarily make you wrong, but it may make your ratings more relevant for players who are similarly in the 150-200 TL range.

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As states above, but ima list the 20 I think she is better than for fun, now I won’t list Jasmine and Finnick cause she is already above them.

B. H., D., and L.
C. Wall-E
D. Maleficent
E. Flynn Rider
F. L., S., and B.
G. Captain Hook
H. Frozone
I. Powerline
J. Yzma
K. Dr Faciler
L. Hank and Dory
M. Donald Duck
N. Jafar
O. Gaston
P. King Triton
Q. Merlin
R. Genie
S. Jumba
T. Hiro

20 on the dot

I’m level 172 smart cookie :cookie:, and thank you but I think as i’m approaching yellow they are more accurate then they were about 2 months ago.

And so did her usage and popularity in DH, if that happens to Aurora, well, I won’t even say…

…yeah he’s totally not able to oneshot pretty much anything…

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Characters that rely on skills other than raw damage tend to age better than characters who focus mostly on damage, so I think Aurora will age pretty well.

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While they’re VERY bad, they at least got some kind of working stats and actual disables which do something during combat, Sarah got none.

Pretty much only Shego ignores that rule, she is even getting better. But that’s also thanks to her stats.

Remember Ducky in S-tier, 3 years ago? :laughing:

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Yeah purely cause he had multiple times the damage of literally anyone else

Kinda like Shego now but without all the protection we have today to not make her unbeatable. Oh and they were fairly resistant too

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