DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Not because of the mechanic itself, rather cause they tend to have the best working heroes (like Bagheera and Drakken)

yes I agree

I think Winifred should be under Minnie in A Tier

Definitely not
Im sorry but she is a huge letdown

No she’s pretty good actually
Fine in high B but I do think she’s better than Minnie in most scenarios

Me too, I also think Magica is better than Minnie

Yet I don’t think Minnie belongs in B Tier.

But I also think Winifred and Magica should be in A.

Perhaps it’s time for Minnie to move down

perhaps its time for Magica and Winifred to move up…

also Quackerjack, Honey Lemon, and Kaa should move down…

Not at all… a bit higher if anything

Definitely no, they’re not as good.

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Ok why is it definite no for Winifred, all u do is move her above Tia Dalma and move her up a rank and then bam, same thing with Magica except higher than just one person.

Maybe not Honey Lemon, but I definitely think Kaa and Quackerjack should go down

Meg above Joy, Aurora above 22, Daisy above Kim, Sarah above Captain Hook or Wall-E, Magica above Fozzie, Winifred above Tia Dalma, Mary above Angel, oh and Minnie above Quackerjack.

Thats what i think should be changed.

Tbf a couple of positions in the same tier don’t really change anything. Like for instance I do agree the B tier for controls could be rearranged, but at the end they’d still remain all B, and which one is better would depend on the situation

To be fair, I think if you’ve got Joy fully maxed (excepting her irrelevant Battle Badge), including a maxed red skill, maxed Olaf disk, and four maxed purple SP mods, she deserves to rank above even a similarly-maxed Megara. (And keep in mind that’s Musketeer’s basis for his rankings.) For probably 90% of active players, though, their Megara is clearly more useful than their Joy.

For both, I’m in a situation where they’re irreplaceable for attacks but not so great for defense since it matters for all of them to survive as many attacks as possible.
Meg can be fixed with Ian or Drakken, but Joy in defense is kinda tough to place ngl :sweat_smile:

Still both are in almost every attack I make, if i can afford to let Joy die she gets crazy value

technically if you use Megara with her shank disk, she can make your best hero invincible for 7.5 seconds (for me at least, since I have her disk maxed 5 stars) so she is useful even to your allies

I personally think Magica and Winnie are A Tier but Musketeer already addressed it as “incorrect” or “definitely not”, so I figured high B tier is better.

I agree about Winnie actually, that was just an example

you don’t think Magica is A?

I wouldn’t even consider Magica B-tier. She’s bad.

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