DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

What do you think about the amount of special icons used on the tier list?
  • It’s ok
  • Too much
  • Neutral

0 voters

Which characters (in your opinion) should move down in the tier list? (up to 3 heroes per person)

Remember, it’s only for characters which should move down, and if the hero is already on, just write their name again, to increase the chance.


  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Kronk
  • Ian Lightfoot
  • 20221219_181515 Kevin Flynn
  • 20221219_181602 Scar
  • 20221219_181639 Merlin
  • Maleficent
  • Vanellope
  • Ron Stoppable
  • Horned King
  • Captain Amelia
  • Phil
  • Powerline
  • Duff Killigan
  • Woody

I think Cinderella, Mulan and Swedish Chef should move up,
while Maleficent should move down

Zeus doesn’t do any damage at all anymore, Captain Amelia dies very easy and Phil doesn’t help.

His damage isn’t what made him amazing, it’s his red skill

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Yzma should go to D tier

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Where is he suppose to go? He is at the very bottom. :thinking:


Zeus and Ron. I‘m on the edge with Duff, a very situational hero.

I can’t speak to heroes I do not have built up completely so my decisions are based on what I have and how they do for me.

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Horned king
Kevin Flynn go down

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Can we have the details of that?

with another special icon for instance

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Welcome to The End… of 2022, during the epic-less continuation of 4.5-A!

  • Added Luca & Alberto
  • Several hero movements
    • Cinderella will have the NEW spotlight mark until the update after her stats will return to normal

I love to see your cat
Great job


I don’t keep high hopes, but I hope that Zunar-J-5/9 Doric-4-7 will be added to the game one day. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
It would be very… surprising and nice.

Or at least Oliver & Dodger which are more likely, still waiting for a playable cat.


It deserves to be underrated

Hmm…, in server 23, Joy’s Red Skill is still good, 22 removed buff with fishing rod and experiment failed. So…, We move up?

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It… does?


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Today’s news

  • Luca will move way higher (with next tier list update)
  • Once Cinderella and Donald will be fixed, the control-role side of the tier list will receive a general revamp, and likely more S-tier heroes




She’s getting another buff in 4.6 or what?
Today the only change was her ball gown is longer, she’s nowhere near like she was before nerf.


Yeah like for real? Just that? Not even disk stats changed back. Is It intended to just give 5 energy? Better delete the energy gain, so she would not froze the game


It doesn’t anymore, at least for me.

That 5 energy is truly pathetic, I hope it will be increased to normal - 100, or at least above 50.


Some heroes are very close to S-tier… or maybe?

Would you like to see in S-tier: Elsa, Vinny, 22, Princess Aurora, and Luca & Alberto?
  • Yes, all of them!
  • Yes, but only some of them (comment below!)
  • No

0 voters

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