DHBM Heroes Database 1.2.1 (YEAR 6 BEGINS!)

Maybe not…

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210 is coming!

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After 71 consecutive months always releasing at least 1 hero a month it apears January 2024 will break the streak, which started all the way back when the game launched it’s closed beta in February 2018.


They said at the end of this month we’ll get a new hero and now look where we are


Luz is coming! The first release of the year!


It seems as though the new hero release schedule announced in December is tied to the updated Battle Pass system. Battle Passes now last exactly 4 weeks (28 Days) and feature a new hero who is also featured in Contest progression during the Season. Currently in Season 1 Luz is our featured hero.

Assuming that like the Prize Wall system Heroes will only be released outside of this for the anniversary I present a potential hero release schedule up until the 6th Anniversary. Let’s see how it pans out.

Potential Schedule

Season 2 featured Hero - Patch Notes on Friday March 1st, Season starts Tuesday March 5th

Season 3 featured Hero - Patch Notes on Friday March 29th, Season starts Tuesday April 2nd

Season 4 featured Hero - Patch Notes on Friday April 26th, Season starts Tuesday April 30th

Anniversary Hero - Likely featured in a special trial that start before and end after the Anniversary. May 16th.

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That would be really awesome, but if they are really doing an 8 week period with releasing heroes, it probably wouldn’t happen. It feels a lot like how they did the prize wall, where they really didn’t have a consistent schedule in check, and thus we would have a whole week with nothing. Anything can happen of course, but I really like this way of planning. I think that would be a very healthy balance between balancing, and new hero releases. We’ll just have to wait and see lol.



What are you talking about? There was a very consistent schedule for the Prize Wall.


They clearly said each hero will have 2 battle passes, so one new hero every 8 weeks



Well that sucks. :neutral_face:


Actually where does it say that? I see that Luz will have a supercharge event for the duration of 2 seasons but I can’t find anywhere where it says she’ll be the featured hero for 2 seasons.


In the Patch Notes topic I asked if a character is having two Passes in a row or the second might be given up to an older toon. TheGrillFather responded, saying that two Passes is the initial idea, but the character might get replaced with cosmetics if they introduce any at the time.

Edit: I made a mistake about cosmetics, only Premium Pass was mentioned. So, the free track will probably have the character.

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