DHBM Meme Center


Sorry I had to make a joke about you all


I thought you were working on the final challenge? Or is there something else we haven’t solved yet?

Maybe the final clue is a butterfly

I am working on the final challenge. The meme is you all throughout the game.


Imagine if I lose regular status before I move it back (which I feel that might happen since I haven’t been posting often)…that would suck


It’d be stuck here until you get it back.

At least you guys would have access to it lol

Well, if that were to happen, at least we wouldn’t have to worry about spam…


Speaking of the meme… the final challenge begins!


Real talk: I was surprised by exactly what characters were affected by this rule. Not just the obvious ones like Kim, Pleakley, & Basil, but also characters like Mulan & Davy Jones, too.

Yep. Had to drop Mulan and Basil for a whole season :grimacing:

Still kept others like Kim and Shang for other reasons (Slow for Kim and… actually a lot for Shang)

I kept Mulan… I don’t know why… :sweat_smile:

I kept Darkwing just for his disks :rofl:

I kept Dash for some reason :thinking:

DW is awesome tbh. If the Cat wasn’t a thing soo many people would use him. A guy paired him with Kermit and that whole team was invisible for 14 seconds (aka everyone died except Hiro who has 90% dodge chance against invisible. He still did not win alone tho…)

Also maybe we should use a different topic if we want to keep talking about this :sweat_smile:

Why do I feel like any time a thread goes on a strange tangent, it’s because of something I said? :rofl:

(I wonder, though: What sorts of buffs can Hiro’s Megabot receive? I know it can be shielded and receive speed buffs since Hiro’s Baymax disk provides it both those buffs, but can it receive any other buffs?)

Completely agree, DW is just awesome.

Thing is, 6s Invisibility on 10s cooldown, and after that 3 seconds of reflect. Most heroes crit so you have ONE second to kill him.

Also he does huge damage and Nick disk is just annoying

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