DHBM Photo Gallery 2 (Part 1)

You could also always just start PMs with people and chat there.

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Yeah, but I do not like PMs, prefer to stay public

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I cannot really think of a good reason… I tend to chat online in public a lot, not just here. Maybe it’s that.

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Tragic is 22 confirmed?!?

I love unlocking new characters! Now the only character I don’t have is John Silver, which is fine since I’m not exactly close to Challengers League yet. (I’m in Platinum III atm.)


Удалите свой номер телефона
(Delete your phone number)

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Do you understand that language? (russian right?) or did you use translator?

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Just use google translate but also Никогда тебя не брошу

it means “Message” in english

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“I’ll never leave you.”!?

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Are you kidding me???
giphy (3)


First Time In Challengers Div 1

21st 1M…

This is what happens when you have wrong disks

After This Season ends, I ll have that border :grin:


What the? How is that even possible?

Two new disks

Especially happy about this one :grin:


What’s the Div 1 rule?

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Yellow team heroes have less armor (80% less)


How many Power-Ups? In Kermit Go…

Thats what Phaldow said, But Mulan Helped me In QF Wins Now Its harder as she gets killed easily.

Me and @Jody_Caviness Made our debut in challengers D1 Together! :wink:

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27 when I got that.
But anyway it’s all about the level since powerups boost mainly that. I upgraded Gonzo’s white and green skills to level 204 so they do decent damage with powerups (still needed perfect timing).
Don’t even bother with blue and purple skills as he can’t survive anyway without Kermit’s invincibility, unless he’s on a great rank.
Not enough for Slinky in chapter 2 so far but I didn’t expect to progress more immediately anyway

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