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Oh so that’s why grim’s meme was flagged

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It makes more repetive lines.
Mulan. Maximus. Hades. Mulan. Tron. Mulan. Maximus.
In endless loop.

All heroes should be in similar level, not like Basil does nothing and Mulan uses active and all enemies just die. And most of heroes released around Basil does (much) better job as well.

I don’t know maybe Daisy Duck

I agree, Mulan shouldn’t be this powerful. However, saying that basil is worse than others like Ralph, aladdin, or sally is simply wrong. Basil is not low tier as you’re complaining about. Others could use a buff way more.

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Please don’t reply to old comments.


Yeah, with numbers. If all of those numbers were at about the same level, Basil would be weakest

Ralph will shut Basil for whole battle with CC.
Aladdin does bigger damage against control role enemies and will dodge his attacks.
Sally will poison Basil to death.

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“If all heroes were equally balanced, basil would be the least balanced.”

My point is that Basil’s trashiness isn’t determined by how big the numbers are, bu by how those numbers are used

Let’s not forget about Woody’s IMO most stupid green skill!

I really don’t get what you’re trying to say. Basil is definitely viable, he hits hard, has good survivability and good CC, so he’s a good hero. That’s how balance works, isn’t it?

In conclusion, Basil is the worst character in the game. It even physically hurts just to think about his stats.

No negation

No tenacity or evasion


Once again, old comment.


Can you stop?


Look at his crit damage and the base damage if his skills. He could punch his way through most heroes’ defenses.

He stands in a position where he shouldn’t be exposed to disables often.

Red and mu disk.

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He doesn’t even have any…


Following this meaning of balance, just 3 heroes are worth to upgrade and anything what goes well with them.

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Could you guys move this discussion to another thread please, if I’d be angry with you I could make some people use their Regular by flagging as off-topic…

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I agree with that. Let’s move this to a PM.

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Can he stopped via Goliath, T&P, and interruptions

Elsa, Hiro, Darkwing (after dive), etc.

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