Poor Flynn Becomes sad…after genie and woodys death…
A new team level, but for some reason the victory animation for characters when you level up didn’t appear…
My first orange 7!
Phew, here I go, 274 crates, here I come!
First 100 crates, let us see what you await!
So far I have unlocked Mad Hatter(3 times, lol) and Goliath!
Next 100 crates, here we go!
2 Duke Cabooms.
1 Malifecent, Alice, and Rafiki.
Here were my 274 crates!
You also got Goliath
He/she said that.
I only got buzz, eve, Jessie and enough Donald chips I could upgrade my Donald’s mod
I didn’t see that
I mentioned him in the sentence with Mad Hatter.
2 more people bought it in my guild, but I won’t post it here, I am too lazy lol.
Edit: I evolved like 15 characters, and unlocked merlin, hook, gonzo and yzma, and I maxed out the diamond crate perks. I also go like 20 Million coins from the crates.
He got Frozen Haha!
knee slap like cheesey from inanimate insanity
It was six days old, it’s not really “old”
Uh… yeah…
Has Mushu always been this “silly”?