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And beloved mods. :wink:
Aka. 800 less chips.


they are maxed to me, as an F2P who is so behind i consider quitting. it does hurt. but i have no control over it and i will keep trying to progress as much as possible (any tips would help me out) but seriously, any help would be appreciated

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Yay! I am in the top 10000! Lol.

Vanellope feels the power.

Just need for her reality negation in R10 set and she will be fine :slight_smile:

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yip yip i 3 starred ch 30 last stage…


New red skill

and i think its strange that in my s18 account i got kevin flynn but why there is written 2 and same with elsa.i saw it first time,maybe it can be a bug dunno…


You also got barbossa, he was good when he came out

yes i got him but i m saying why is there written 2 instead of 1 because when u get full heroes if you have not got them then it shows 1 but why 2 written here? @polaris is this a bug?

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Maybe you got two full versions of them, idk @polaris could maybe help

Yeah that’s why

Thanks guildies!


My Startegy as A F2P is -Like Buy Stamina from diamonds daily. Collect all daily quest stam, ask for aid. Slowly slowly u will have a good amount of stamina…And Spend them when fortify contest arrives(with activating double drops and double campaign xp) this ll help you grow so levels.
This startegy i think many f2p use…
I also used it and now i m maxed…It will take sometime…But Eventually u will be maxed


thanks! i actually have over 11,000 stam hoarded and TL 65 on Chapter 9 and i do not know what to do with all that stam :rofl: Am I on the right chapter… or can TL 65 go to more than Chapter 9?

Try to tap on ch 10…if it says…U have to be more level to unlock then ur in correct .Every FTNC…I getvto collect 30k hoard stamina and more…This had helped me being maxed. Morever In Jan i was 60 levels perhaps far from max

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Don’t worry. I’m also a F2P. If you keep putting in hard work you will definitely make some good progress.


Exactly Same here.

New Star


TL 101!!!


Poor Nick and Megavolt, Elsa is throwing diamonds and shards at them, lol.
And meg doesn’t seem to amused, lol.

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3 new six stars! They’re 15 now…


Goliath uses his white right as he was knocked back and well now he’s flying.

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