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These crates looks like a bug.

Disgustā€¦ or Disgustā€¦ hmmā€¦ I think Iā€™ll choose Disgust


Same with Kronk pulling the level on Dash

That was kronkā€™s defeatā€¦

Think again. Dash didnā€™t came back. He keeps walking even though Dash isnā€™t here

What? That was kronkā€™s defeat, the box was there and it went over dashā€™s foot, itā€™s not a bug itā€™s a weird frame


Think again. GGG was the one playing the fight, not you :neutral_face:


I know, but I saw Kronk keep walking even though Dash didnā€™t appear

Iā€™m pretty sure your not making any sense

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I am making sense. After Kronk pull the level on Dash, he keeps walking, and pull the lever again. Even if he doesnā€™t appear

You werenā€™t playing the game, just stop šŸ¤¦

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You werenā€™t playing the round, I was. Drop it and stop carrying on something that didnā€™t happen

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Nope heā€™s right. Happened to me too, but against Cheshire

Wha- I still played it. Iā€™m being honest

They werenā€™t playing the round I was, they donā€™t know what happened in the game end of story

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I mean Idk in that specific case. I just mean that sometimes it happens

It was a weird frame on kronkā€™s defeat where dash was in front of him, end of story move on

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I wasnā€™t talking about that but ok

Actually the trap overlaps with enemiesā€™ sprites :thinking:

I checked btw

So, does that mean that Iā€™m right?

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