Discobot Wise. Fun With Discobot Pt. 2! (Part 1)

I prefer the term, Young royal.

@discobot fortune

Are you tired?

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

That’s because you are tired.

@discobot fortune

is Aamir a Little Prince? :D

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

Yup, very tired.

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Well yes, Discobot is tired XD


If Discobot’s going to sleep! Yup, very tired!

@discobot fortune

Are you awake?

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

@discobot roll 1d80

Which is your favorite fighter in Smash Ultimate?

:game_die: 14

Ok, Bowser is alright.

@discobot roll 1d80

Which is your least fighter in Smash Ultimate?

:game_die: 23

Yah, Ganondorf sucks

@discobot fortune

Are you smart?

:crystal_ball: Most likely

@discobot roll 1d2

Which one is really strongest in Smash Ultimate?

  1. Bowser
  2. Ganondorf

I forget put to “roll” this comment :woman_facepalming:t2:

Try again…

@discobot roll 1d2

Which one is really strongest in Smash Ultimate?

  1. Bowser
  2. Ganondorf
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