Discobot Wise. Fun With Discobot Pt. 2! (Part 1)

Well, you never really know with my luck. Sometimes I get really lucky, sometimes not so much. We’ll see. :sweat_smile:


you know my luck :upside_down_face:

Same actually, except, I find it’s themed. Like, certain video games my luck is garbage and in others, I get really good luck!



Do you play FEH or are you just talking about in general?

Just in general. I never played the DS FEH so it didn’t feel right to get the one I saw on Play Store… :man_shrugging:

I see.

(And just for future reference, Fire Emblem is the series. Fire Emblem Heroes only refers to the mobile spin-off game.)

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What happened to the Lounge?

What do you mean? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I can’t find it

And where is my regular?

It sounds like you lost Regular, then.

How!? How did this happen !?

Well, generally, either you didn’t read enough, got flagged by multiple different users, or weren’t active enough.

Please don’t be overly dramatic about it, I can’t cope with drama stemming from this particular issue.


It was probably flagging

Also, this really isn’t a good thread for discussing this issue anyways. This is probably better discussed in PMs.


Let’s say it wasn’t. That way you don’t have to hold a grudge at the whole forums.

Let’s just say you weren’t reading enough.


But don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. I don’t have regular and I’m doing fine.


But I…never mind :disappointed_relieved:

Imma go make egg salad for some sandwiches.

@discobot fortune

Should I put extra mustard?

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

Alrighty! Extra…mustardy egg salad it is! :grin:

@discobot roll 1d5

Favorite way to eat eggs?

  1. Scrambled
  2. Fried
  3. Poached
  4. Over-easy
  5. Hard-boiled
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