Discobot Wise. Fun With Discobot Pt. 2! (Part 1)

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

@discobot fortune

Will Snuffeluffagus regret that decision?

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

… Oh.


What’s with the ominous answers??? :joy:

@discobot fortune

Should I attempt to read through this even though I should get some sleep before work?

:crystal_ball: It is decidedly so

@discobot fortune

Are you going to miss this thread when it closes?

:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now

Holy crap, this is just one of the many accurate things that discobot has done previously.

crap I lost my place

Tbf, when I said “sometime soon”, I actually meant sometime in the spring, like April or soemthing like that. :sweat_smile:

Still happened, and it’s just one of the things up there that has been right. Makes me wonder if….

@discobot fortune

Will we ever get The Horned King in DHBM?

I don’t think it works if you edit the request in afterwards.


@discobot roll 1d8

What planet do we live on?

  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Mars
  5. Jupiter
  6. Saturn
  7. Uranus
  8. Neptune

:game_die: 6

He got it right holy crap!


Wrong :angry:

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We live on Saturn?

You don’t? Weathers great there, a little cold, but much better than Jupiter. Seriously the rent is ridiculous there.

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