Disney Elimination Game

I don’t wanna amp him I just wanna tell the facts

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Cheating is not acceptable in my book


Who is cheating? seroiusly dont vote spider man he desvers to win

Looks like iron mans loosing

Then just count me out because everyone should only vote once. And since you condone no even encourage people to use alternative accounts there’s no since in even participating.

Enjoy yourself & have a nice day.


PS I give my 3 vote proxy to @TherMasterStitch he can use his three & my three. Or @Filadae_Djaq can use his three & then use three for me! Whatever rocks your boat. I’m trusting you guys to vote my three votes too. Since I don’t have 3 alts to use you guys can have my 3 votes just to make things fare in the words/rules of @Scarlet_Captain every forum member deserves 3 votes! I’ll get my three in by proxy.

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Guys, I want everyone to enjoy this. @Queen_Kate please don’t go. I see that all of you are taking this very serious. OK. Then after all this, every forumer can only vote once. No alternative accounts.

I wanted this game to be fun for every one and not wasting our time to see if someone’s cheating. I’m really sorry for making some of you feel bad and that’s why alt accounts are not allowed to vote…

And I want to personally apologize to @Queen_Kate because she was the first who expressed her disappointment and disapproval about it… And I’m sure more people would have followed her so I’m trying my best. Again, I apologize to @Queen_Kate and every other forumer.

Plz, let’s just keep playing because this is just for fun a d there’s no need for cheating when it comes to fun.

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Our Savior, Iron Man, unfortunately is out of the game. Which hero should be eliminated next?

  • Captain America
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Spider-Man
  • Thor

0 voters

RULE ABOUT VOTING: Every forum member deserves only one vote. No alternative accounts allowed.

Yep I’m voting Scarlet out

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Iron Man!? Why did Tony have to leave?



-> THOR!!! <-


Yes, THOR out


What about Spiderman, can we not kick him out?? Also, no need to yell when he already has the most votes :unamused:


Why are you guys Eliminating Spidey?

Wow you guys sure do hate Thor! I like him. But eh, it’s fine.

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Why don’t you guys vote out Scarlet Witch

No! Spider-Man deserves to leave imo


Spider-Man is the best hero in the board rn

Since you eliminated IronMan

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