Disney Elimination Game

Excuse me! I was just asking, please don’t make it a big deal and I wasn’t putting words in your mouth


Yup Shank has been Slaughtered!


I put a ? Because I wasn’t sure and was asking

I didn’t put words in your mouth

You wanted go go out then honey lemon so I wasn’t sure


… uhhhhh can we just all chill out now?


We’re getting off topic. Let’s just leave it at “Kate likes her, but not as much as Shank or Violet”, ok?

To get back on track, I hope Violet wins.

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I thought “I assume…?” Was a pretty common way of asking someone a question. I never heard someone get offended by that since it’s pretty common.


Just how is this an attack? I don’t get it? It’s not!


I have to be honest, you snapped at Widow seemingly out of nowhere. They didn’t say anything offensive, and your tone was uncalled for.

I think Silver is right that we need to get back on topic! Let’s just try to have a little more patience with each other! :slight_smile:


I did? How?

They meant Kate did. You’re ok, pal. :ok_hand:


Yes, sorry! That was not directed to you :slight_smile:

Now this topic is gonna get closed soon :unamused:

Yes, I did flag some.

Next time let’s stay onb topic.

Who just flagged everything?!

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Almost all of these flags were unnecessary - now the topic will be closed for no good reason. :confused:


Welcome to my world

I am surprised by how many flags there are

Just because you assume, doesn’t necessarily mean you are correct. But Kate, you shouldn’t have snapped at Black Widow for making an assumption. Two lefts don’t make a right. It only leads to the same issue, and making it grow.

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Some people literally abused the flag button.

Also the quote didn’t work

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I didn’t get a chance to vote. I was asleep for that whole voting period. :pensive:
Sorry, Shank. I didn’t get a chance to protect you. :red_car:


Aw man. Shank’s pretty cool.


I was the last voter. Mwah hah hah!

Shank is out of the game.

And here are our two big finalists. Two amazing girls… Honey lemon VS Violet. Which girl should go out of the game? Vote who you want to be eliminated.

  • Honey Lemon
  • Violet

0 voters

Now, guys, I’d like to tell you that I’m really sad from what happened here as long as I wasn’t online. I really hate flags. I agree on flagging something that you may find offensive but it would’ve better if you could solve your differences in PM and not in a concept. And I’m talking about any topics, not just mine. It’s not nice to “start a war” by flagging someone when there are"unarmed people", people who want to play the game and have fun. So, please, leave the flagging out of the forum, and especially my topic because I’m “unarmed” too. SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS IN PRIVATE AND PEACEFULLY. It would’ve been better if you conversate together in private and solve it. Thank you very much for your support, not only in this topic but in ever topic and every concept I have make. I am sure there will be “conflicts” and that’s good because we show that we’re different from one another and that’s good. But you have to know when something is going out of control. Even arguments have a limit. Let it be here.

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