Disney Franchise Elimination

Extra Time
  • Hercules
  • Inside Out

0 voters

For Anxiety, Envy, Ennui and Embarrassment!!!

lol, they should have named Anxiety to Edgy/Edginess, so they would all have the letter E as their first letter :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Looks like Hercules wasn’t strong enough to make it to the top 4. With only 4 franchises left, which one will get 4th place?

Battle 21
  • Lilo & Stitch
  • Inside Out
  • Wreck-It Ralph
  • Zootopia

0 voters

And with that, Lilo & Stitch came in 4th place. Which franchise will get 3rd place?

Battle 22
  • Inside Out
  • Zootopia
  • Wreck-It Ralph

0 voters

Inside Out has been eliminated, which made us emotional. With only 2 franchises left, which one will take home the grand trophy?

Battle 23
  • Wreck-It Ralph
  • Zootopia

0 voters

Wreck-It Ralph has won the Disney Franchise Elimination Tournament! Thank you for participating in the tournament.

Until next time!


wow, didn’t expected a unanimous vote for the final battle!

WOW, by a landslide!! XD

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