Disney Game Time: Guess the Voice Actor

And not all, he also narrated a Tom and Jerry cartoon.

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Kathryn Beaumont

Kathryn Beaumont, who also voiced Wendy darling

Bet my grandma knew that, she like loves Tom and Jerry

This is fun

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I canā€™t guess any actor in movies from the 1980s or before lol

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I can do most villains from the 90s and 80s

Iā€™ve seen just about every movie several times, so I might know most actors.

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Iā€™ve seen most Disney movies but I donā€™t check the cast lol

I wanna bet someone is using google, but I think that is ok. I do know a lot of the characterā€™s voices thoā€¦ because crazy Disney fan who has read an entire Disney encyclopedia and watched almost all the movies at least once.

Same, I only havenā€™t watched black cauldron, rescuers down under, and Oliver and company, that means I have (unfortunately) watched chicken little


I may be a bit obsessive when it comes to Disney animated movies, including trying to remember most of their castā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Who wants to be Winnie the Pooh or kaa will be a question?

Same for me.

I want Mickey Mouse to be the questionā€¦

Same lolll

That is easy, Minnie and Pete are as easyā€¦

The first voice actor?

The voice actor is amazing! He does Kaa, Pooh, Tigger, Ray, Don Karnage, Razoul, and many more.

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Yes, the first voice actorā€¦

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