Disney Heroes: Heroes VS Creeps battles!

Nick is very good, Van seems useful, Yax can be useful and Shank is annoying to kill.

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Both of you ready? I want to watch this :popcorn:

I never stopped being ready :crossed_swords:

In a bit !


Ready. Is this ok for a start?

Van uses her green on Yax(IDK if I did this correct :sweat_smile:)

Van 32/32 Shank 46/46 Nick 40/40 Yax 36/36

1 round cooldown

You did, but 1 thing is wrong:

Its vanlloppes turn xd It goes like this: Van > Mickey > Shank > Baymax, etc.
(Dont worry, I thought the same thing)


Silly me. I didnā€™t know we had to do it in order. Lemme edit it. Sorry :sweat_smile:

Ok. Fixed it. Your turn.

Who did she attack? Her allies?

My heroes are Mickey, Baymax, Yax, and Hiro

What is your team?

Oh and you forgot to add the cooldown

I fixed itā€¦ I think :sweat_smile:

Its fine for now, but youll need to link it to the table later

Mickey 38/38 Baymax 43/43 Yax 33/36 Hiro 48/51
WSC: 2 turns None None None

Mickey uses white skill on Vanellope

ItĀ“s okay but you can just put GSC (green skill cooldown): 1 turn

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Wait, I forgot Hiroā€™s purple again aaa

Oh, ok. So I have to check that chart every time because I donā€™t remember the skills, it seemsā€¦

I have the skills list on another tab, do that


Shank GSC on Baymax

Van 32/32 Shank 46/46 Nick 40/40 Yax 36/36
GSC: 1 turn GSC: 2 turns - -
- - - -

Oh, you donĀ“t have to attack the next enemy, it can be any enemy :sweat_smile:

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