Disney Heroes: Heroes VS Creeps battles!


Pooh Elsa Woody
48/52 35/39 36/40

Yes those are my heroes (I’m not sure if I was actually given mickey or not)

I made it wiki. So Copy Paste it. Start Info from 3rd line

Finally!! Now let’s get this show on the road!!

@discobot roll 1d2

  1. Umar
  2. C Train

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 2d1

  1. Umar
  2. C Train
    Whom discobot summons, he will start

:game_die: 1, 1

Erm, you flipped the numbers.

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

Oof I always forget how disco works xD

@discobot roll 1d2

  1. U
  2. C

:game_die: 2

@C-train Start!


Woody hits Go Go with his basic attack, dealing 4 damage

Mickey deals everyone 4 damage

Mickey Stitch GoGo
38/38 47/47 28/32

Elsa hits Mickey with her basic attack, dealing 3 damage

Pooh Elsa Woody
48/52 35/39 36/40

C Train Can you copy paste it. Please? It would be hard to scroll up. And Yeah add the cooldowns too!

Stitch spits on Pooh skipping his turn and dealing 4 damage
So My Chance again
Gogo deals 8 damage to Pooh

Mickey Stitch GoGo
35/38 47/47 28/32
W-2T W-2T

Elsa freezes Go Go for 2 turns

Pooh Elsa Woody
48/52 35/39 36/40
WCD: 1
Mickey Stitch GoGo
35/38 47/47 28/32
W-1T W-2T

Mickey Stuns Woody And Elsa

(I’ll be right back)

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