DISNEY would you rather

That’s cruel making me decide between my childhood favorite and a team I would love to be a part of


It’s a surprisingly easy choice, actually. Hiro’s team is normal humans in superpower-granting costumes (think Iron Man, but personalized) where you would receive one, versus eventual death, maybe torture by megalomaniacs wearing spandex. The Incredibles are cool and all, but I’d have to go with the BH 6 7. :slight_smile:

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Plus, The incredibles are a family, while the Big Hero 6 are a bunch of teens…not counting Baymax of course


ill go for incredibles to be different :stuck_out_tongue: i want a family, and actual superpowers would be cool

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The Incredibles! Imagine meeting Edna!

…meh, fair point!

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How exactly did you find shooting a bow is easier than banging peoples heads with pans? You need aim, sturdy structure, good grip, and strong arms to shoot a bow

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I want a supersuit from Edna Mode!


It’s easier to shoot someone from afar than to be close up with a frying pan that can be taken away from you/me & turned around and used against me!

I’d rather miss with the bow & arrows than chance getting hit with my own frying pan!

Also once you let go of the bow string you can’t pull your punch. With a frying pan I would probably take pity before the lick landed & wind up not dealing a deadly blow!

The arrow could/would be more deadly.


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  • Have Edna make you a super suit
  • Have Tiana make you dinner
  • Have Elsa make you a sentient snowman

0 voters

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The supersuit and snowman are close but I think I’d rather have the suit as Edna is the best designer, and even though I could make my own supersuit it wouldn’t be as cool as Edna’s creation, it would be like Prada vs Primark!


True. And imagine how cool you would look wearing your super suit! Not to mention it’s machine washable

Cool yes, but Edna Mode does not seem to build super suits that make someone super. Shhe makes them to enhance a person’s super powers.

But I already have super powers!

I so have to design my own supersuit now, I’ll let you know when it’s done

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Done! Maybe Edna can make it for me?

Front and back
It’s a black widow, Scarlet witch and wasp combo in a Loki style

Hope you like it!


Well a pan might make someone laugh and underestimate me, so then I can use that to my advantage to hit them with it!

I’m guessing @TherMasterStitch would do the weapon thing but add stitch’s blasters lol


I want to go to Disney World! And land! And all!

  • Be in the middle of a stampede
  • Be in the middle of a war

0 voters

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